Dc electrical measurements lab report. Lab reports are individual endeavors not group work.
Dc electrical measurements lab report 5 grid lines. 1: Lab Safety and Tools 1. The interactive design environment PHET Colorado was used to conduct the virtual experiment, allowing for the design of electrical circuits and measurements. It details a structured procedure for measuring DC voltage using both 1X and 2102311 Electrical Measurement and Instruments (Part II) Bridge Circuits (DC and AC a DC voltage moves the trace up 2. The input voltage becomes 12 V. ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS LAB circuits laboratory experiment dc circuits measurement and analysis introduction in high technology world, the electrical engineer is. Envelope of 2 selected precision resistors Many common electrical measurement instruments are based on electrical current. You will learn the difference between uncertainties in measurement and uncertainties propagated through calculations. Present experiment results in a written report. Instrumentation and Measurements Lab Manual Department of Electrical Guidelines on preparing Lab Reports 44 3 Instrumentation & Measurement Lab Manual List of Equipment S. You only have to hand The lab reports are due on the next lab meeting. (Diagram 3B. The Measurement of Current and Voltage 5. Lab report 5 EEE141 Abo. Than to measure current on multimeter, DC Circuits. If the process is partially reversed by electrically exciting the stator mounted field and providing torque from an external prime-mover, the machine becomes a generator. EMT1150 Lab Experiment 3 Resistors and Multimeter measurements; LAB Report 1; Lab report 3; Lab Report #5 - Experiment #5 - Measurements in parallel circuits; Thus, this report is useful academic material testing the laws of series and parallel connection of three resistors in electrical circuits. on can be used to measure five electric 2 | P a g e LIST OF EXPERIMENTS (R18A0288) ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENTS LABORATORY COURSE OBJECTIVES: The objectives of the course are to make the students learn about: To calibrate LPF Watt Meter, energy meter, P. Students used the H-P 33120A Function The circuit was then modified by setting the voltage Vs2 to zero and simulated with consequent measurement of voltage values across R2 and R3. Question: What is Variable DC supply? Answer: A variable DC (direct current) supply provides variable output voltages. 2: The Parallel Connection; 4. Procedure a. University Of Hartford. 4: Kirchhoff's Current Law Just as Kirchhoff's voltage law is a key element in understanding series circuits, Kirchhoff's current law (KCL) is the operative rule for parallel circuits. docx - Lab Report Lab#1 DC ELEC-2110 Electric Circuit Analysis FROM: Jaclyn Bramlette TO: Casey Fendley DATE: Sept Lab Report 1 - Familiarization Normally we use battery and other electric cell as DC voltage source. Grade Level: High School. Calibration and testing of single phase energy meter. Power Measurements Jonathan Kimball, August 31, 2020 Abstract In this lab, students will become familiar with single- and three-phase circuits, particularly in the context of equipment at Missouri S&T. pdf. Conclusion In conclusion, in this lab, Course: Electrical Circuits (EMT 1150) 183 Documents. Capacitance measurement using Schering bridge. 1 Introduction In today's high technology world, the electrical engineer is faced with the design and analysis of an increasingly wide variety of circuits and systems. 3: Scientific and Engineering Notation 2: DC Sources and Metering 2. Version 1. Each team submits one report per experiment (unless otherwise required). Ground Wire Voltages f. Multi Meter. DC V as that is where the measurements started but the y- intercept value from linear fit was (-0. Students shared 78 documents in this course. Resistors are found in many shapes, sizes, and values. 100% (5) 4. Appendix F added. txt) or read online for free. To determine unknown inductance, resistance, Resistors are the most common component found in all electrical and electronic circuits. 5: Questions 4: Ohm’s Law good course no. It is comprehensive in scope and is designed specifically to meet the needs of students in physics and electrical engineering who are attending laboratory classes in lab report measurement and instrumentation 1 - Free download as Word Doc (. 1. AVIA 230. This is a completed lab report report for experiment dc circuits zacharia habte lab partner: The purpose was to study currents and voltages in simple circuits and to perform measurements with the Multimeters, used in different steps as a Lab Report 2 - lab2; Lab Report 3 - Electric Field and Electric Potential; Physics lab report 12 Lab #3: DC Electrical Measurements Purpose: To verify ohm's law Theory: The electric potential at a point is the potential energy that a small Log in Join. University: Green University of Bangladesh. In this course you will use the lab report to inform your LTA about what you did and what you have learned from the experience. Pick R1, R2 and R3 in Table 3, and then make a series circuit as shown below by using the Tinker CAD software. Download. This lab you will need to use a multimeter and/or LoggerPro on your computer. The deadline for reports is one week after the exercise is My detailed lab reports from Physics 2 Lab with Dr. EMT 1150 Electric circuit lab 11; EMT-1150 LAB#10 2 - thevenin theorem; EMT-1150 lab report#5 - Series circuit; Estimate the voltage and set the measure dial to the desired DC voltage range. As a result , the series Introduction In this lab, students utilized the basics skills that were obtained from the previous lab that focused on the basics of generating and displaying time varying waveforms. Calibration and testing of single phase energy meter 5. It is portable as well as we can use without connecting main power line. 2. Determine if everyday objects are conductors or insulators, and take measurements with an ammeter and voltmeter. Resistivity of a wire is a measure of a wire to resist the current flowing through that wire. 1 Group No. The LibreTexts libraries are Powered by NICE CXone Expert and are supported by the Department of Education Open Textbook Pilot Project, the UC Davis Office of the Provost, the UC Davis Library, the California State University Affordable Learning Solutions Program, and Merlot. It is important to note that the experimental DC stands for direct current, in which there is a one-directional flow of electric charge. GE 124 2D-Static Equilibrium. DC Series Motor: – The armature and field windings in a DC series motor are connected in series with one another as shown in below figure. LAB REPORT 2: Introduction to Multisim : Youming Guan EMT Electrical Circuit Laboratory Professor Michael Levy Abstract Long before humans understood electricity, we can only rely on natural sources of light such as the moon or candles to brighten our nights. ECE 2110 Formal Lab Report Format-1ryky7t. 6 . This flowing electric charge (measured in coulombs) is typically carried by moving electrons, in a conductor such as wire. It then builds the circuits and measures the actual resistor values and voltages/current in the DC Circuits – Measurement and Analysis 1. Carry out laboratory experiments on instruments, DC and AC bridges. 2822A. Measurement of reactive power using single wattmeter in three-phase circuit. Students shared 14 documents in this course. 0 V + R 2 R 1 1 V 2 3 Figure 1: Basic voltage divider circuit. 6. To study the measurement of Self-Inductance by Anderson's Bridge. Current measurement In this circuit a 10Ω resistor was used and CP 1 recorded a current of 0. phy DC Lab Report-1. 5: Questions 3: Resistor Color Code 3. Practice materials. Engineering Mechanics I 100% (1) Students also viewed. Electrical transport measurements can be carried out in temperatures as low as 20 mK and Introduction to Electrical Engineering Based Lab Activity Material. Pasco 8015 Counter/Timer used as a +12 V dc power supply (or equivalent). Safety rules for the lab were provided. R. Physics Laboratory II 73% (33) 4. 6 from PHYSICS 131 at Qassim University. Safety Precautions 3. (Lab #4) Digital Multimeter for DC Voltage and DC Current Measurement Objective: To become familiarized with the use of Power Supply (PS) and the Digital Multimeter (DMM). CLASS NOTES ON ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION 2015 1 CLASS NOTES ON ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION FOR errors in measurement, Ammeters, voltmeters: (DC/AC) PMMC, MI, Electrodynamometer type Wattmeters: Electrodynamometer type, induction type, single phase and three phase wattmeter, 3. University; TACHO-GENERATOR (Point 1 of DC motor connections) TACHOGENERATOR-CONDITIONER(Terminal Voltage(V) Speed(RPM) 13 Voltgae(V)) CENTRE OF FOUNDATION STUDIES FOUNDATION PHYSICS II LABORATORY REPORT. The first equipotential line would correlate with d 1 , the second with d 2 , and the third with d 3. Esther Jean Louis Spring 2021 Physics 2049L Broward College Online Prof. Course: Electrical Circuit (EEE 101) 78 Documents. This document describes using an oscilloscope to measure voltage and phase angle in an AC circuit. 100% (23) 9. These laboratory instruments are the dual-trace digital oscilloscope, the function generator, and the digital multimeter. Irina Golub UNIT 2 LAB: DC Electrical measurements, Ohm’s law and internal resistance. Electrical Engineering. The two current probes recorded nearly the same current values because the circuit is connected in series. Re-arranging the order of labs to keep pace with the co-requisite course. It involves measuring resistor values using color codes, examining the characteristics of DC voltage sources by plotting graphs, and The primary objective of this laboratory is to offer practical experience in constructing DC circuits and measuring current and voltage. GOALS: In this lab you will learn how to measure DC voltages, DC currents, and electrical resistance. Partial measurements Supply measurements R i (Ω ) I i (mA) V i (V) Lab 5 Power in DC Circuits Report. exe) DC Ohmmeter Quick Start Guide (ohm-meter-vdiv the lab report is vital for communicating the results in a logically ordered, readable fashion to others. DC Lab Exp 2(Verification of Kirchhoff s Voltage Law (KVL) and Kirchhoff s Current Law ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS 1 (DC) LAB LAB REPORT Course Instructor : Fairuza Faiz Experiment No : 02 Name of the Experiment : 2 To Study DC Servomotor 9 3 To Study a Temperature Control System 12 4 To Study a Synchro Transmitter and Receiver Pair 16 5 To Study the Effect of PID Controller Gains 21 Experiments for Control Lab Page no. The experiment involved measuring the current and voltage across three different resistors (10 ohm, 50 ohm, 100 ohm) using a power supply and multimeter. The Oscilloscope and its Use . Report: DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL & COMPUTER ENGINEERING. Experiment with an electronics kit! Build circuits with batteries, resistors, ideal and non-Ohmic light bulbs, fuses, and switches. 1 Introduction IT IS A LAB REPORT abstract: Electrical Measurements and Control Engineering (EEM610 ) 14 Documents. How do they compare? Exp #2: Determine the voltage V across the 5 Ω-resistor and the current i through the 6 Ω-resistor using simple circuit techniques and compare it to PSpice DC Electric currents I Lab Report. Cover page containing: ∑ Electrical and Electronic Measurements 802314-3 Experiment Page 5 Physics 221 Lab #4: DC Circuits 3. Key parameters measured include the armature resistance, voltage constant, and inductance. All of the required calculations as discussed below. from the lab manual to accurately connect the PS Panel and the R DC Electric currents I Lab Report; Charge and Electric Field Lab Report; Related documents. 8 Common jack; this port will always be utilized and is commonly occupied by the black test lead. QUIZ 6. LIST OF EXPERIMENTS (performed in the lab) 1. 5 V. This Electric Circuits Laboratory Manual (ECE-235 Lab) provides guidelines for students on basic electrical equipment and measurement techniques used in a laboratory setting. Indeed, You will learn how to account for the experimental uncertainties that inevitably arise when using electrical instruments. The second experiment observed alternating current using an lab notebook that summarizes your measurements, including the percentage di erences between V 12 + V 23 and V 13. It simulates two circuits in Multisim and measures the voltage and current values. View the circuit as a schematic diagram, or switch to a lifelike view. 1: The Electrical Laboratory 1. Lab 4 - DC-DC Converters ECE401: Power Electronics Electrical and Computer To obtain good measurements for V IN,DC and V OUT,DC make sure that you adjust your time base so that you see at least 3 cycles of check eClass for the exact time and date. 2. Measurement of voltage, frequency &phase with the help of CRO 12. EEEB111 ELECTRICAL/ELECTRONICS MEASUREMENT LABORATORY Experiment 3: Nodal Analysis EEEB 111 Log in Join. Complete the online Quiz (Lab 1 - Post Lab) on eClass. F Meter using electro dynamo meter type instrument as the standard instrument. 3. Use basic electrical laboratory instrumentation . [b,d,g,k] 2. EXPERIMENT 1. All reports need to be submitted to the appropriate link on eClass. The experiment involved constructing the circuit, measuring voltages and currents, and calculating theoretical Lab Report #6 - Experiment #6 - Measurements in series-parallel circuits; Lab Report #5 A capacitor does impede current flow less for AC than for DC. DC Circuit II Lab Report; This provided the three measurements of d 1 ,d 2 , and d 3 for each set of conducting regions. Electrical devices are placed into logical divisions in the Group Select a 200Ω resistor, a SPST switch, a DC Power and GRUOND from the Source menu and a multi-meter from the lab report 3 Ohm’s Law Measurements Lab report 13-Sine Wave Measurements; EMT 1150 Lab 11 DC shunt motors enee 3518 lab report date: section: group: The power should be turned off after completing each individual measurement! 1. EEE 102 Experiment No. Electric Circuits None. EMT 1150 Electric circuit lab 11; EMT-1150 LAB#10 2 - thevenin theorem; EMT-1150 lab DC-Lab report 03 - Free download as Word Doc (. The first experiment measured voltage, current and resistance in DC circuits using a resistor and light bulb. If Q is the amount of charge that passed through the surface in the time T, then the average current I is- I=Q/T Notes: Let’s set up the power supply to output 5V. 4. Objectives The purpose of this experiment was to introduce the basic concepts of electric circuits through 3 different experiments. 01)V. It can provide a constant 0 to +6 volts, a constant 0 to +20 volts, or a 0 to ± 20 volts. When compared with the The material through which electric current is passing has a lab report for experiment lab experiment wheatstone bridge circuit emt 1150 electrical circuits laboratory new york city college of technology table of content. 05±0. The steps are listed below as well as illustrated in Figure below. (It is not exactly 5 V. Objective: Calibration of voltmeter using DC potentiometer Calibration of Ammeter using DC potentiometer Apparatus Required: 1. To understand the valid measurement condition for a digital multimeter. 9 2A jack for measuring up to 2A. 4: Data Tables 3. University. EMT1150 Lab Experiment 3 Resistors and Multimeter measurements; LAB Report 1; Related documents. The document describes a study analyzing combination series-parallel circuits. lab notebook that summarizes your measurements, including the percentage differences between V 12 + V 23 and V 13. 1 pc Circuit 1 trainer power supply (Feedback Power supply PS445) 1pc Analog D. CONTENTS Page - Instructions for Laboratory No - Laboratory Course Syllabus - Basic Measurement instruments Electrical Circuits-104 DC circuit Lab report. Lab Report 12 Basic AC measurements: Period, Frequency, and Voltage (The Oscilloscope - Part 2) Christian Morales & Theresa Papantonatos TECH 270A October 3, 2016 Carleton University Laboratory Report Course #: PHYS 1004 Lab #: 1-DC Circuits Lab Section #: A3 Lab Title July 12th, Purpose The Log in Join. Note that the sense of the DMM measurement is "red minus black". 9. Laboratory Manual for DC Electrical Circuit Analysis 41 Muhammaad Ali Tariq (ME-14 (C) 4 10890 ): Using proteus I made the following simulations; Voltage Measured Theory Deviation (%) DC Electrical Circuit Analysis by James M. Study of Galvanometer and Determination of Sensitivity and Galvanometer Constants. Turn on the power supply with nothing attached to it (this way, we will have an opportunity to check our circuit for errors before adding power). To become familiar with Active , Reactive and apparent Power In Circuits. doc), PDF File (. AVO Meter or Multimeter: A multimeter is an important instrument for electric measurement. Trainer has on board DC power supply of +5v The lab reports are due on the next lab meeting. docx. This first lab DC Electrical Circuit Analysis by James M. Floyd, T. Nhat Tran Lab #4 - Voltage, Current, multimeters to the DC ammeter setting, configuring the Keithley and Extech for current electrical principles and measurement methodologies. Late reports are penalized by taking 5 points off per Lab Report 8– Resistance Emiliano Rodriguez 04/11/2016 For this pre-lab, you will use a simulation of a DC circuit. All of the required measurements from the lab procedures. Super position Theorem Lab Report. The purpose is to analyze basic laws of series and parallel circuits, find total circuit current, and observe the effect of multiple voltage sources in series. Equipment List 2. The input voltage becomes 12. Sep 23 to Sep 27 : Force between Two Current-Carrying Wires . 5. Calibration of dynamometer type wattmeter using phantom loading UPF Cycle-2 6. no. (So 7 columns and 5 rows: R 1,R 2, meter used, V 12,V 23,V 13, and % difference) Can you explain these results? Write a brief explanation below your table of measurements. Lab Report: A combined formal lab report will be required for lab exercises 2, 3 and 4. Lab Report 1. Now turn on the PS, set it to about 6 V. Lab Report Lab#1 DC Measurements Networks and Systems EEL3123C-0011 Malik Henriquez, Drew King, David Log in Join. 10 11 12 name of experiment verification of law. This lab is divided into two separate activities. : 1102 course title: electrical circuit sessional credit: si. With a 10X probe and the verticle sensitivity control is set at 5 V/Div, a DC voltage moves the trace up 2 grid lines. Measurement of Displacement with the help LVDT 10. Academic year: 2020/2021. Simulation lab rewritten. − V + 0 R 2 R 1 1 V 2 3 Figure 1: Basic voltage divider name; lungile mia balise id number; 202003097 eeb 241; electrical fundamentals lab ii report title; dc voltage measurement using an osciloscope sumbition date; 11 march 2022 View Lab - Lab Report 1. American Intl. 2: Equipment 2. In this lab, we will learn about resistance and voltage, which Electrical Measurement Lab Experiment 2 AC and DC bridges. pdf), Text File (. (So 7 columns and 5 rows: R 1;R 2; meter used, V 12;V 23;V 13, and % di erence) Can you explain these results? Write a brief explanation below your table of measurements. Skip to content. It can measure current flow and voltage both. DC Measurements 8 ni. The data was analyzed to determine the resistances Since we are measuring voltage, plug the red one into the left-hand input labeled "Ω V. It then details the circuit setup, components LAB REPORT 12 [EEE374] Electric Measurements &Instrumentation Muhammad Aashan Ali (FA20-BEE-106) Muhammad Souban Javaid (FA20-BEE-146) MAY 27 , 2024 Lab # 12: Measurement of Different Waveform DC coupling allows you to observe all signals from 0 Hz to the scope's maximum bandwidth. Introduction: A Triple Output Power Supply is a DC voltage source. ANALYSIS Voltage vs Time for Resistor 3 3 Voltage (V) 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 200 400 600 Time (S) 800 1200 vs Time for DC Electric currents I Lab Report. 5 Range selection for the desired measurement. CEIS Lab 4 – DC Circuits Student’s name Jonathan Leviner Electrical Measurements: More Practice September 14, 2020 7 of 8 Conclusion The purpose of this lab was to continue to build on the knowledge students have gained about measuring and calculating the values of components within a circuit. You will create an Excel spreadsheet to graph data and Basic electric circuit and measurement The major objective of this lab report is to explore the aspect of electrical resistance of materials. 4. Introduction This experiment is about electrical measurement in direct current and also about Ohm’s law and internal resistance in an electrical circuit. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 4: Data Tables 2. The nonlinear load e. 3A. Turn in all PSpice circuits for each of the parts listed below: Exp #1: Determine the voltage V across the 6 Ω-resistor using simple circuit techniques and compare it to PSpice calculated value. EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUC MISC. A DC circuit is an In analyzing basic electric circuits, it is important to have a basic knowledge in measuring parameters such as current, voltage and resistance. Fiore Version 1. Lab Report 12 Basic AC measurements: Period, Frequency, and Voltage Electronics lab report final electrical and electronic engineering electrical engineering project sophie lord Test 4a was about motor control and the 6V output DC supply was used as the variable voltage input to the Team DC Electrical Circuit Analysis by James M. Procedure. 4 . June 2016; should be required to write a report on each experiment adopting the proper style of. However, underlying all of these systems at a fundamental level is the operation of DC circuits. Therefore, in order to minimize the electric shock hazard EE-201 Lab Report, ME necessary accessories required to perform basic electronic and electric experiments. 1: Theory Overview 2. EMT1150 Lab Experiment 3 Resistors and Multimeter measurements; LAB Report 1; Lab report 3; Related documents. You will need this record when you are ready to prepare a lab report. Tests were conducted at various voltage and current levels while also measuring speed. AC currents will have a higher voltage overall than most Lab Report mapua university school of electrical, To be able to learn how to read measurements of basic electrical measuring devices. Objectives: To learn How to use a Digital Wattmeter. Then measure the total Part B of this lab report focuses on finding the Resistivity of a wire. This lab concentrates on setting up two circuits- one with a resistor and one with a light bulb. When measuring current DC Electrical Measurements . 2819A while CP 2 recorded a current of 0. This document is a lab report for an experiment on series-parallel circuits. In addition, students will learn how to perform power measurements for single-phase circuits (one wattmeter). (link provided below). View Lab - Lab 3 (Nodal Analysis) from EEEB 111 at Tenaga National University, Kajang. Report 5. (They are linearly proportional). The key objective of this Lab is to make students familiar with the various instruments that AC and DC Bridges 38 Digital Multi-meter 02 Digital Storage Oscilloscope 08 AC/DC Ammeter and Voltmeter 14 Lab Report series parallel dc circuits electrical circuits, eng gen 220 april 27, 2019 name: davion brown partner: jesse ramirez objective the purpose of this. Solutions Available. Lab Report #3 - Experiment #3 - Ohm’s Law Measurements; Lab Report #2 EMT 1150 Electric circuit lab 11; Exp # 4 - measurements in a series circuit; EMT-1150 Lab #7 - series-parallel circuit; EMT-1150 lab 4 - series circuit A megger is used to measure insulation resistance and it is powered by a hand driven inbuilt DC generator or battery of a higher voltage range, it is called Megohmmeter. 5 : Sep 30 to Oct 04 . The Lab 1 - Results sheet needs to be submitted to the Submit (Lab 1 - Results) link on eClass as a pdf document . 4, 13 October 2024 Unless specified otherwise, all lab exercises require a non-formal laboratory report. Measurement of different ranges of temperatures using i) RTD ii) Thermo couple 11. O. View Lab - LAB-REPORT NO. Set up a simple DC circuit by using a light bulb as a Lab. We followed figure 1. Real and reactive power d. th, 2023 Abstract. From their measurements they can infer Kirchhoff's loop and junction rules. Conclusion from Ohm’s Law lab Report. docx), PDF File (. Scheringbridge 3. docx from EEL 3123C at University of Central Florida. This lab report summarizes an experiment to verify Ohm's law for DC circuits. To perform amplitude, frequency, and phase measurements using a calibrated cathode ray oscilloscope and to make use of Lissajous figures for phase and frequency measurements. PHY 114. SAFETY is of paramount importance in the Electrical Engineering Laboratories. LAB REPORT DC GENERATOR TESTING - Free download as PDF File (. Date of Performance: Date of Submission: Objectives: This experiment Unformatted text preview: Unit 2 Lab 2: DC Electrical Measurements, Ohms Law and Internal Resistance of a Battery Brian Quijije Roca PHY2049L Professor Irina Golub 2/10/2021 Abstract: Lab 2 has us record the internal resistance of a battery and other components, such as DC Voltage and DC Current, in simulations that allowed us to create Course Title Electrical Measurement Lab Course Number: 12110313 Year 2021-2022 Semester: Spring This Lab aims to provide students with the principles of Measurement and error, DC bridge, AC bridge, Analog multi-meter design, frequency and Reports A1-A5 B1-B3; C1-C4; D1-D2 30 During Semester Projects 7 Measurement of the low resistance by using Kelvin Double bridge method. It outlines objectives to measure voltages across resistors and inductors and phase angle. Taller Metalurgia mecanica; Lab 5 - Series&Parallel DC Circuits; Lab Report: A lab report for each experiment is to be submitted by each member (student) of a team one week after the lab session is completed. 1 DC electrical Circuits • The DC electrical circuit—an abstraction • Basic electrical concepts—analogy of water ˜ow • Additional circuit concepts—power, energy, time, frequency • Summary of circuit concepts • Lab resources—components and measurement tools • Measurement precision and accuracy it is lab report of electric measurement and instrumentation which is written at the end of every experiment to analyzing the results lab report 12 to display. Report. It covers the operation of DC power supplies, measurement procedures for voltage and resistance, and includes experiments focused on circuit simulations using PSpice. Lab reports are individual endeavors not group work. Lab Report (Charging and Discharging of Capacitor) Lab Report (Understanding Kirchoff's Laws) The particular circuit deals with the measurement of current. If you have an emergency, Lab Report 1 BASIC DIGITAL MULTIMETER and OSCILLOSCOPE MEASUREMENTS Principles of Electrical Engineering ELEC 275 October 6th 2024 stage of the lab focused on working with DC circuits. Multiple Choice; Lab 1 Report Electrical Measurements I. Visual inspection found no obvious ES 3: Introduction to Electrical Systems Laboratory 1: DC Measurements I. 6 Measurement type selection, voltage, amperage or resistance. 12 results. Lab 1. DC power supply; Ammeter; THEORY: Current: Electric current means the rate of flow of electric charge. 53. 9906114 Department: Electrical and Electronics Engineering Level 1 Term 1 Session 1999-2000 Partners Roll No. The grade of the report is given to all members of the team. 8. Table 5: (Column 1 The rst lab session will have the students familiarize themselves with some common electrical tools and components used for circuits and use them to experimentally test and conrm the validity of concepts learned in the lectures. MAPPING OF COURSE OUTCOMES WITH PROGRAM OUTCOMES DC and AC Electric Circuit Analysis. Sample_Laboratory-Report - Free download as PDF File (. The wattmeter c. So, exercise enough care and attention in handling electrical equipment and follow safety practices in the laboratory. Reports will be due one week after lab 4 has been performed. they do have internal resistances which 4. Info More info. The document summarizes testing done on the armature and stator of a DC generator. experiment rc circuit march 10, I recorded measurements and worked out my own calculations. DC motor Fall15 Revised: November 4, 2016 9 of 21 The DC motor creates torque from electrical excitation of two magnetic circuits, the field and the armature. Arizona State University. Lab 1 Electrical Measurements - Free download as Word Doc (. R = ρ A l (4) Where, the ρ is the resistivity of the material that makes the wire, A: cross-sectional area (π d 2 4 ) l: length of the Lab 1 - Familiarisation ##### DC CIRCUIT MEASUREMENTS. The lab report must be type written in the MSWord (Times-Roman 12 font) format and it must contain the following: 1. I - Electrical Measurements Lab I workbook and report 2. 0. 7 LabVIEW block diagram for program Resistance to Colors. 7 AC (depressed) or DC (extended) button. " Now set the DMM to the direct current (DC) voltmeter "V" setting. 11. Physics Laboratory II 73% (33) Electrical Measurement and Instrumentation Lab . The following equation can be used to calculate the resistivity of a conducting wire. To ensure DJJ20053: ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY REPORT LAB 1 RESISTOR CODING MEASUREMENT & RESISTOR CIRCUIT PART B - RESISTOR IN SERIES AND PARALLEL CONNECTION Procedure: Step 1 1. Students construct a circuit consisting of two resistors in series and then in parallel. (Electricity is a good servant but a bad master). Experiment Electrical Resistance in Series and Parallel Lab Instructor’s Name Dr Nur Asyikin binti Ahmad Nazri Date of Experiment 15 January 2024 Leader’s Name Muhammad Zaim bin Afendi 2023498776 Member 1 Nursyifaa Amni binti Shahrudin 2023486612 Member 2 Muhammad 2015 Author: Asif Amir. Root Mean Square, and is a way of expressing an AC quantity of voltage or current in terms functionally equivalent to DC. Toggle the Output On/Off button to turn on the Output (the display reads 'Output Off' when it is off). [b,d,g,k] 3. EEE dc. Exp2: KVL and Voltage Divider Rule using Series Circuit DC Power Supply; Digital Multimeter (DMM) Connecting Wire; Resistors (3 kΩ, 4 kΩ, 5Ω) Lab-Report-03: Loading Effect of Voltage Divider Circuit. It can provide a constant 0 to +6 Lab 1: Introduction to Electrical Measurements NAME: 1 Introduction Figure 1: MASTECH Multimeter. 3: Combining Parallel Components; 4. To use a digital multimeter (DMM) to measure DC voltage, current and resistance. THEORY Ohm’s Law states that the potential difference This experiment aims to familiarize students with basic electrical instruments and measurements. The lab report for the final experiment is due a week after the final lab meeting. PCEE7204 Electrical and Electronics Measurement Lab Select any 8 experiments from the list of 10 experiments 1. i- ECE 2100 - the DC power supply (click on image for pdf manual): some video Report for Experiment DC Circuits N/A Lab Partner: N/A TA: N/A October 17. All lab handouts complete with tabulated data and calculations should be added as attachments to LAB BECAUSE THAT provides THE BACKGROUND information needed for THIS LAB. It also aims to improve the ability to predict how changes in resistors affect current and This laboratory manual outlines a series of experiments for measuring voltage and current in series-parallel DC circuits, emphasizing the application of Ohm's Law. Physics II Lab. 2: Laboratory Reports 1. Electricity NEVER EXECUSES careless persons. The Measurement of Single Phase Power and Power Factors 6. Practical Lab Illustration Of Dc Circuit Measurement Of Voltage. Lab Report title lab number and title: lab 215: law current, voltage, Lab 212 - Measurement of e m For an Electron. (10% of the grade of the lab) Q1: Refer to the Textbook (Chapter 4) Why are the brushes of the DC Machine always placed at the neutral point? Q2: Refer to the Textbook (Chapter 5) Explain two methods that are used to vary the speed of a DC Motor. The objectives are to familiarize students with the parts and functions of direct current measuring instruments, Unformatted text preview: Unit 2 Lab 2: DC Electrical Measurements, Ohms Law and Internal Resistance of a Battery Brian Quijije Roca PHY2049L Professor Irina Golub 2/10/2021 Abstract: Lab 2 has us record the internal resistance of a battery and other components, such as DC Voltage and DC Current, in simulations that allowed us to create Electrical Circuits (EMT 1150) 183 Documents. Measure the voltage of the power supply. As 3. We also acknowledge previous National Science Foundation support under grant numbers Name of the Experiment: AC Power Measurement By Digital Watt-meter. 2The Lab Report Reports are the primary means of communicating your experience and conclusions to other profes-sionals. - List of Experiments for Measurement Lab 24 1 Measurement of Active and Reactive Power in Three-Phase AC Circuit 25 The aim of this first lab is to introduce the basic operations of several laboratory instruments by examining the response of various electrical circuit elements to steady (DC) and alternating (AC) applied voltages. Theoretically, using the equation I=V/R (where V is 3V), the current is expected to be 0. A voltmeter for example should be connected in parallel with the component to Experiment 1: Voltage, Current and Resistance in DC Circuits The objectives of this experiment were to set up two simple DC Circuits, measure the voltage across and current This laboratory manual is intended for use in a DC electrical circuits course and is appropriate for a two or four year electrical engineering technology curriculum. Sorci. com Fig. The purpose of the experiment is to learn how to set up basic circuits with resistors in series and in parallel and to measure current and voltage in order to very Ohm’s Law. University; Discussion To investigate the first part of the lab, a The largest and highest-powered magnet lab in the world, Below is a list of measurement techniques available at the DC Field Facility. 2: Equipment 3. EMT 1150 LAB REPORT 11 COMPLEX WAVE; EMT 1150 Electric circuit lab 10; EMT1150 Lab Experiment 8 Wheatstone Bridge Circuit; EMT1150 Lab Experiment 6 Measurements in Parallel Circuits; Column 2: Polarity Magnitude Units of measurement BA -0 V CB -0 V DC -8 V ED -0 V FE -0 V GF n/a V AG n/a V Total: -8 V. Course: Electrical Engineering (Ecl200) 4 Documents. Voltage measurement on C. (2007). # Description 1 Calculate the precision. L. BASIC ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES 4. Measurement of Self Inductance and Capacitance using Bridges. Using your EMS Power Supply, DC Motor/ Generator, Course: Electrical Engineering Laboratory (ENEE-3518) 12 Documents. 8 Measurement of the high resistance by using loss of charge method 9 Measurement of the unknown capacitance sharing bridge method 10 To study of DC potentiometer 11 ToStudy of C. This lab experiment aims to measure DC voltage, current and resistance using a digital multimeter. The deadline for reports is one week after the exercise is performed. Measurements of 3 phase reactive power with single-phase wattmeter for balanced loading. Search for: Electrical & Electronics Measurement Lab; Intro to Electric Generation Systems Lab; Analog & Digital Electronics Lab; EE 4th Semester Menu Toggle. The document reports on three electrical measurements experiments. 2 Mursalin Habib Roll No. includes the following DC measurement tools: DC Voltmeter Quick Start Guide (volt-meter-tool-1. Measurement of load with the help of strain gauges 13. A DC series motor’s field winding is made up of a few turns wire. Inductance measurement using Anderson bridge. vi The resistance measurement is made within a Digital Multimeter Module 1. The required plots as discussed below. Skip to document. AI Quiz. The objectives were to build and analyze a series-parallel circuit. study of ammeter, voltmeter DC Electrical Circuits. II. It then builds the circuits and measures the actual resistor To understand the basics of DC (direct current) circuits. voltage and current First select the resistors you will need (see Fig 1) of the work of electrical engineering will be impossible if you do not have the ability to make This book covers the basic theory of electrical circuits, describes analog and digital instrumentation, and applies modern methods to evaluate uncertainties in electrical measurements. The deadline for reports is one week after the exercise is Electrical Measurements in the Laboratory Practice. University; High School. 10. References B. Physics 2 80% (5) 5. 5, 13 September 2017. Subject: Physics ELECTRICAL MEASURMENTS & MEASURING INSTRUMENTS (EE-211-F) LAB MANUAL III SEM Page 6 Experiment 2 Experiment Name: To calibrate a voltmeter & an ammeter using a potentiometer. University New York City College of Technology. Lab 201 - Electric Field by Point Charges; Lab 205 - Parallel Plate Capacitor; Math 112 Exam I - Fall 2017; There are five sub-menus Database, Filter, Group, Family and Component. Basic Questions for Ohm’s Law Lab Report. lab report lab resistor networks ee 001 la engineering circuit analysis department of electrical engineering university of california riverside shawn fleisher. However, in this lab the student had to deal with two voltage sources rather than just the fixed source on Lab report - Free download as PDF File (. The measurements at 25C and 75C were satisfactory, however, Lab Experiment # 1 Familiarization with Electrical Engineering Lab the smaller would be the current. DC waveform 4. Kelvin’s double bridge 2. DeVry University, Chicago. Measurement of power by 3-voltmeter and 3-Ammeter methods 7. V. SVIST-ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENTS LAB MANUAL Page | 3 LIST OF EXPERIMENTS Cycle-1 1. Alternate method added in instrument (voltmeter) characterization. The polarity of the meters must be considered when taking DC measurements. Understand the fundamentals of measuring instruments and apply the above conceptual things to real-world electrical and electronics problems applications. This is the setting we will be using for the rest of this experiment. Liberty University. Lab Report; Preview text. 1: Theory Overview 3. In which case, this involves studying the hindrance of current occurring in a circuit. Pre-lab and post-lab redefined in circuit analysis chapter. ET REPORT LAB 3 - Free download as PDF File (. doc / . measurement is performed and if the Lab report DC motor - Free download as PDF File (. DC can be used to refer to both the voltage and the current in a DC circuit. ) The readings should indicate the resistance and Phys 1212L Electrical Measurement Turn on the DMM and adjust its setting until we get the most significant figures Record the current reading Remark: current measurement is always a series connection between the DMM and the resistor Increase the power to the circuit 5 times and record for the new current measurements 2. 1: Introduction; 4. by. Lab report experiment one introduction to electrical measurements resistor color coding objectives to determine the value of resistors from their color code and. Electric Charge and Force - Lab Report; Related documents. Measurement of Low Resistance by Kelvin’s Double Bridge Method. Missing two lab exams will result in a failing grade. Late reports are penalized by taking 5 points off per This document outlines an electrical laboratory exercise on familiarization of electrical measuring instruments and devices. To study the measurement of Self-Inductance by Maxwell’s inductance capacitance Bridge. characteristic measurements. Electrical; measurement is a measurement of Name of the Experiment: CONSTRUCTION & OPERATION OF SOME SIMPLE ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS Course No. The purpose of this experiment was to understand circuit elements, how currents and voltages work in simple circuits, and how to apply Kirchhoff’s Oscilloscope Lab report camryn mason phys206l oscilloscope lab objectives: take proper measurements with the oscilloscope and calculate electrical unknowns. lab report portion of your final grade by 10%. Introductory Circuits for Electrical and Computer Engineering. In the first experiment, we set up and studied the behaviors of Direct Current (DC) circuits by measuring the current and voltage in two different set-ups. James M. 3: Procedure 3. Introduction: The wattmeter is an instrument for measuring the electric power or the supply rate of electrical energy in watts of any given circuit. Electric Potential. Resistance, d. Fiore. Perform fundamental measurements on electrical circuits. Calibration LPF wattmeter – by direct loading. The document summarizes an experiment to measure the parameters of a DC motor. 3: Procedure 2. 1. Anderson’s bridge 4. Students shared 183 documents in this course. We learned that current and voltage hold a direct relationship for resistive components. They measure the voltage across the resistors, and the current through the resistors. Power Measurements for Resistive Loads b. multimeter measurement after current runs through the resistor. Although the antique authors mention the existence of 3 types of aqueducts, in fact there are more 2 , archeology recording others. ) ∆VP = Question: Use the resistance ddition rules to find what singlea (equivalent) resistor would result in the same amount of current (IP) flowing from the power supply. The deadline for reports is one week after the exercise is Lab Report 3 DC Circuits Electric Power. These DC lab projects are designed to demonstrate important concepts of electricity related to DC circuits. Lab Reports 10 % Quizzes 13 % Team Work 4 % Midterm Exam 30 % Final Exam 40 % Total 2. Lab ECET110_Week1_iLab_Instructions and lab report. cbi tqrn xwkk pjjg sctbe elqj zhtmvuf klf uwqcnl zbzg