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Facetwp template query. To use multiple values, separate them with a comma.

Facetwp template query Second Option: Custom In other words, is_admin does not check whether the user is logged in. My Account Support Sales About Us If you’re familiar with WP_Query, you’ve probably used the meta_query parameter to filter results by one or more custom field values. First, try enabling the “Strict query detection” setting. If you experience problems with FacetWP’s indexer stalling or not indexing all your posts, or facets not functioning correctly (e. See also More info about using Meta Box with FacetWP can be found on this “Meta Box – FacetWP Integrator” page. If you are using the Custom Taxonomy Order plugin to order your taxonomy terms, use the code below to preserve that order for facets that use terms. Shortcode placement Navigate to the FacetWP Admin Page > Templates. Our Help Center articles and our custom code library contain a lot of code snippets to add or customize FacetWP functionality. We call these posts/query a “listing template”. Learn how the template editor works in this tutorial. Make sure to de-activate it on live sites. The new Schedule Indexer add-on With the new Schedule Indexer add-on you can schedule an automatic, recurring re-index with WP-Cron. To enable FacetWP for your Loop element, select it, scroll to the FacetWP section at the bottom of the settings pane, and enable FacetWP. This will be the wrapper element that FacetWP needs to auto-detect the listing. If you are using an older version and can’t update Listable, the quickest way to repair this is to put the following hook in your (child) theme’s function. sort by post date first, then by post title. FacetWP is compatible with the free Post Types Order plugin. More info FacetWP includes built-in support for Advanced Custom Fields (ACF). This hook can be used to customize the returned post IDs after facet filtering. The following CSS hides the listing until the class visible has been set: Display a pager type more than once on page. Overview. To check which post types FacetWP currently indexes, click the “Show indexable post types” button in the settings, as shown in the image on the right. This excludes attachments (like images, media, and PDFs), which are posts that have their post_status automatically set to inherit. For example if you want to display only specific custom post types, change the I have FacetWP setup to provide results of a query based on 4 facets (one Search box, one Categories drop-down, and two custom taxonomy drop-downs). facetwp_i18n facetwp_scripts facetwp_assets facetwp_asset_html facetwp_facet_types facetwp_facet_sources facetwp_facets facetwp_templates facetwp_use_preloader Starting with this new version, FacetWP is not loading unneeded JS, CSS, and JSON assets anymore when there is/are one (or more) static Listing Builder listing template(s) on the page, without also a “normal” non-static listing template. This result For further explanations about the role of the facetwp-template class in FacetWP’s automatic query detection, and ways to fix issues with it, see the sections about it on the Using a WP Archive and Using a custom WP_Query pages. Depending on your setup, you may be able to solve this by preventing FacetWP from from using the current language when filtering. facetwp_facet_display_value; facetwp_facet_html; David Cramer demonstrates how to integrate FacetWP with Easy Digital Downloads. Most of the PHP-based code examples in our Help Center articles and our custom code library are based on WordPress or FacetWP hooks, which can be pasted directly into your (child) theme’s functions. facetwp_query_args facetwp_pre_filtered_post_ids facetwp_filtered_post_ids facetwp_facet_orderby facetwp_facet_filter_posts facetwp_is_main_query facetwp_template_use_archive facetwp_preload_url_vars facetwp_pager_args FacetWP has two API endpoints: the /facetwp/v1/fetch and the /facetwp/v1/refresh endpoint. 6 and above, you can choose facet values to include / exclude using the “Value modifiers” facet setting. In specific circumstances, the indexer can get permanently stuck, often around the same This is problematic for FacetWP’s automatic query detection process, as explained below: HTML minification and the facetwp-template class. Default: “Reset”. Select specific or all facets and/or listings for export. php add_filter( 'pre_get_posts', function( $query ) { if ( $query->is_post_type_archive( 'reviews' ) || 'ct_template The most common causes for disappearing facets are: Issues with the “facetwp-template” class. Without it, facets will just not show up, because FacetWP does not have a query to “latch onto”. Can I use multiple queries / FacetWP templates on the same page? Using FacetWP with Bricks Builder; Using FacetWP with Elementor; Using FacetWP with All in One SEO (Pro) <?php add_action('facetwp_scripts', function { ?> <script> (function($) { $(). A Proximity search for the region New support for multiple (static) FacetWP templates on a page; New ability to duplicate facets/templates from the admin listing; New ability to copy facet/template shortcodes from the admin listing; New added `post:image` dynamic tag to the Listing Builder; New `facetwp_facet_pager_link` hook to customize the pager output In the “Query” tab, Pods fields can be chosen in the “Sort by” or “Narrow results by” dropdowns. New ‘facetwp_preload_force_query’ hook to force FacetWP to modify archive queries; Improved rewrite of SearchWP integration (supports highlighting, excerpts, custom sorting, etc) Improved smarter date range facets (the available range is content-dependent) Improved code cleanup; Fixed issue indexing WooCommerce variation attributes facetwp_is_main_query; facetwp_template_use_archive; facetwp_preload_url_vars; facetwp_pager_args; Output hooks. On all types of listing templates (except ones that use a FacetWP Listing Builder template) this will cause Note: If you don’t see any FacetWP assets in the footer of your page, make sure the wp_footer() function is present in your (child) theme’s footer section. FacetWP includes built-in resume functionality. To see it in action, browse to our Cars demo then shrink your browser width until you see the purple “Show filters” button. If you are using a Listing Builder Your site deserves the best filtering. If the function is not present in footer. By default, the flyout Note: This hook is only meant to modify the placeholder/container HTML part of the output. Next, add a Container, <?php // Add to your (child) theme's functions. Most often, facets disappear because facet shortcodes are placed inside the facetwp-template container element, or they end up there after filtering. on('facetwp-loaded', function() { var has_posts = ( 0 < FWP. The condition uses OR logic: it becomes true when one or more of the values is selected. With this hook, you can determine which WordPress user role has access to the User Post Type add-on settings. Note: As described above, when the Multilingual add-on is active, FacetWP expects posts to have a language. For searching in short data items only, you could How to use custom PHP code? PHP code can be added to your (child) theme's functions. To do so, add the following code to your (child) Improved refactored code to support FacetWP 3. 3% of our customer base, and it’s strongly recommended FacetWP’s indexer can stall temporarily, for several reasons. Parameters If you want the page to scroll to the top of the results listing instead (the element with class facetwp-template), you can check for an empty query string like this: How to use custom PHP code? PHP code can be added to your (child) theme's functions. Some of them need an add-on integration installed. settings. Using a custom WP_Query 3. Using a WP archive page 2. FacetWP now has a Sort facet type. Your site deserves the best filtering. Reset text: The text of the Reset button. php prevents that. Using multiple values in one condition (in OR logic). Without a valid listing template, facets will not Any form of infinity load / infinite scroll / load more button that is added by other plugins, themes, blocks, or page builder modules/widgets will not work as expected. Advanced Post Types Order – several incompatibilities [#24412]. How it works. As an Using the Listing Builder Adding a fallback sorting method in a Listing Builder template. Now we can separate the custom query from facetwp admin by placing it anywhere in the theme php templates and add a facetwp argument. Or you can create an image facet based on an Advanced Custom Fields Image field type , using the selected images directly. Recurring events and FacetWP. Another option is to create an image facet based on an Advanced Custom Fields Image field type, Indexing of term hierarchies. <?php $resumes = $GLOBALS['wp_query']; if ( $resumes->have_posts() ) : ?> <?php get_job_manager_template( 'resumes-start. To understand the power of WooCommerce product variations in Note: while Query Monitor is an amazing tool that you should keep activated when you are developing (or debugging) a website, be aware that it can cause performance issues itself. total_rows In most cases, using FacetWP in combination with (persistent) object caching is problematic. Contact the author if you experience any issues [#29805] HTML minification will remove FacetWP’s <!--fwp-loop--> HTML comment, which (on some listing template types) is used to automatically detect the listing and add the needed facetwp-template class. When “Show ghosts” is enabled, FacetWP adds one database table: facetwp_index. 5. FacetWP is a fairly technical plugin, making support more difficult. What is FacetWP? FacetWP adds advanced filtering – i. Note: There is a similar hook, facetwp_facets, to programmatically register facets. This would then enable FacetWP to detect the query. E. It supports basic field types (Text, Select, Checkbox, etc. Adding to this problem is that TEC Pro hijacks every query that has its post_type argument set to tribe_events, and will insert By default, FacetWP only indexes, displays and filters “published” items, meaning posts that have their post_status set to publish. But make sure to place it on a single page or post template, not on a WP archive. Make sure that this Pager facet is outside of the listing container with class facetwp-template, like any facet should be. Note: There is a similar hook, facetwp_templates, to programmatically register Listing Builder listing templates. How to create a custom query For all types listing templates, FacetWP will automatically try to find the right query. For any facet to work, there needs to be a FacetWP-enabled listing template on the page . If you need to adapt or override the query of a Posts module, you can use Beaver Builder’s fl_builder_loop_query_args hook. Bricks(with add-on) 4. To customize a facet’s content HTML (but not its placeholder/container element), you can use the facetwp_facet_html hook. This usually works great, but sometimes FacetWP needs some extra guidance on I have FacetWP setup to provide results of a query based on 4 facets (one Search box, one Categories drop-down, and two custom taxonomy drop-downs). By default, the A-Z Listing facet will only show the capital letters A to Z in the standard Latin alphabet. It should resume automatically after a minute or two, if you keep the FacetWP settings screen open. Add a role=”status” element to the page If you want to provide a status message (see this working example ) to the page after a facet refresh, you could use a “Result counts” type Pager facet for this. If you’ve been to any eCommerce site, you’ve probably seen those UI elements (checkboxes, dropdowns, price ranges) that let you narrow down the results. Post types allow for better organization of content throughout your site. So ultimately, FacetWP’s speed depends on your server, the theme setup, your plugins, and the amount of content. Facets with a dropdown UI type need a different approach than facets with checkboxes or radios. What gets searched and how? By default, Search facets use WordPress core search. php, or use our Custom Hooks add-on: These hooks allow you to modify FacetWP’s core functionality, such as registering new facet data sources, registering facets programmatically, and even creating entirely new facet types. Or If your desired query is very complicated, it may indeed be best to build it with a custom WP_Query. Note that some facet types (like Checkboxes, Radio and fSelect) have a “Show ghosts” setting, which will show “ghost” The way you could be doing that depends on the type of listing template you are using. This affects approximately 0. With the “Hierarchical” setting enabled, How to hide the counts depends on the facet type and how general or specific you want to target facets to hide the counts for. This issue is caused by WordPress’ core limitation that the drop-in plugin file must There are multiple ways to create a facet with images. How to paste a facet or listing shortcode into a WP Shortcode block. Elementor Element Caching. FacetWP can only index and filter posts (of any (custom) post type). 6+ Listable versions older than v1. Browse to Settings > FacetWP > Listings and add a new listing template. 9. To hide the listing template on the initial page load until a facet is used, add the following two snippets to your (child) theme’s functions. Because the facetwp-loaded event fires after each AJAX page load, the page will scroll when any facet is used. loaded variable in a condition. html templates in block themes. We offer a free trial version, with the following limitations: A maximum of 2 facets will display on a page; A persistent admin notice will appear in the WP admin dashboard; Pagination scrolling can be enabled with the Pager facet’s scroll target setting (available since FacetWP 4. Create your field group. Using a Pods template. If Another reason could be that your listing is using the wrong query. facetwp_is_main_query; facetwp_template_use_archive; facetwp_preload_url_vars; facetwp_pager_args; Output hooks. Using any of the supported listing template types, you can put multiple listings on a page, but only one can be enabled for FacetWP. Posts with only the Paris term selected in the back-end will be displayed in the front-end results if you select “Europe” or “France” in the facet. The content of the HTML element with that class is dynamically replaced when using facets, so facets always need to This plugin lets you connect users to a post type, so that you can create user listings, and filter users like any other post type. facetwp_facet_display_value; facetwp_facet_html; facetwp_facet_render_args; FacetWP provides a wide range of hooks and filters to influence its behavior and filtering results. When “Show ghosts” is enabled, Let’s start with the bad news: FacetWP does not work with a directly set offset query argument, due to the following issues:. Setup. To view the data in each of these objects, type its name into the browser console: How to view FacetWP JS objects in the browser Console. To get your pagination to work with your listing template, you need to replace it with a (numbered) Pager facet. 15. Normally this is a good thing, but because importing happens at a very high frequency, this can lead to several issues: All posts have boxes for “Categories” and “Tags”, and all pages have boxes for “Template” and “Parent Page”. Elementor(with add-on) 4. FacetWP can be enabled on Breakdance Post Loop Builder, Post List, Products List, and Shop Page elements. So besides a Map facet, we’re going to need a listing template. See also Using WordPress blocks We have seen several users in our support having issues with FacetWP with their sites hosted on Pressable. pager. The facetwp-template class is needed to dynamically replace the Listing templates; Using FacetWP with All in One SEO (Pro) Using FacetWP with SearchWP; Using FacetWP with Relevanssi; Why am I seeing “FacetWP was unable to auto-detect the post listing”? Using the right query WP Job Manager provides a [jobs] shortcode to display a jobs listing. Use SearchWP on the WooCommerce search results page. While FacetWP doesn’t directly support it, it’s possible to copy it using a FacetWP Listing Builder template. The /facetwp/v1/fetch endpoint lets you query raw FacetWP data, with which you can build custom applications. This is problematic with FacetWP because this post displacement is applied every time the query is used: on first page load, but also after filtering Overview. The following example scrolls the page to the top of the results (the element with class facetwp-template), after each facet interaction. They cannot be updated dynamically, based on a user’s location. In a Sort facets “Sort options” setting, Pods custom fields can be selected as fields to sort by. In this screencast, we’re using the EDD flagship theme, Vendd. To customize a Listing Builder listing template’s How character matching works. This listing can be a Listing Builder listing or any of the other supported listing template types. If the issue happens on archive pages and your site has caching enabled, it's also define( 'WPE_GOVERNOR', false ); WP Engine limits long queries (longer than 1024 characters) for performance reasons. My Account Support Sales About Us Note: In FacetWP 3. Note that if you are using the Listing Builder, you can add more than one listing shortcodes to the same page. When a plugin makes a WordPress AJAX request, it uses /wp-admin/admin-ajax. Alternatively, you can use the Custom Hooks add-on, or a code snippets plugin. For more flexibility, you can use FacetWP’s SearchWP or Relevanssi integration. Another good To let FacetWP detect the custom query, you have to add facetwp => true to the query arguments. ), but not menu_order. If you want to use a custom schedule, you can create your own schedule with WP’s cron_schedules filter. The default capability is set to manage_options, which is an Administrator capability. We will continue to improve FacetWP integration with the Block Editor, and are planning to add FacetWP blocks for adding facets and listing templates to the page. The Query arguments array (used by WP_Query) tells WP which posts to retrieve from the database. So it runs for each post ID, for each facet, and then for each value that this post has stored for that facet’s data source (generally a custom field or one or more terms in a taxonomy). First, edit your facet (Settings > FacetWP) and set the “Sort by” option to “Term Order”. When you are using the Listing Builder, you could be using query filtering rules, or the facetwp_query_args hook. g. 3. The above Auto Minify “HTML” setting strips HTML comments from listing pages. The Your site deserves the best filtering. Alternatively, you can set the orderby and order query arguments in line 20-21 of the above code, or use a pre_get_posts filter. AJAX requests. For example, you could add a quarterly schedule that runs every 15 minutes, by It is important to keep in mind that the facetwp_index_row hook runs once on the insertion of each of these table rows. 2. php (or your main template, if it does not use a separate footer include), you can add it manually by adding <?php Enable FacetWP for Loop elements. 4. How to use custom PHP code? PHP code can be added to your (child) theme's functions. Using the Listing Builder 6. Reducing the post types that FacetWP indexes can improve indexing speed. To use multiple values, separate them with a comma. The first step is FacetWP uses several different JS objects to store and handle data on the front-end: FWP, FWP_HTTP, and FWP_JSON. Click the Add Template button and give your new Clarity is designed to make it easy to build complete visual search layouts in WordPress using FacetWP. FacetWP uses the <!--fwp-loop--> HTML comment (placed by itself) to automatically add a facetwp-template class to the container element surrounding the posts in the listing. If a facet choice has no associated posts, then it will never appear. ; Advanced Woo Search – This plugin has its own integration with FacetWP that causes issues with specific products not showing up when using facets. We’ve structured and highly optimized our data storage and have analyzed every query to make sure that it runs as efficiently as possible. This happens because posts and/or terms are being inserted and/or saved during the import process. If you are hosting your website on WP Engine, it is possible you run into several issues with indexing, filtering and showing results. We’re thrilled to announce the availability of FacetWP 4. This label is translatable with the facetwp_i18n hook. The hook lets you specify a user capability, which in turn determines the role. In WP archive templates or custom WP_Query templates, you can add the attribute manually in your template file. You have access to the table columns (facet_value, facet_display_value, term_id, etc. What are ghosts? Ghosts are facet choices that do appear in the unfiltered results, but disappear after being filtered out. My Account Support Sales About Us If so, FacetWP could be detecting the wrong query, so the next step involves using Debug Mode to see which query FacetWP is using. Our small team would get overwhelmed with a weekend queue, and support quality could decrease. FacetWP “preloads” its data on first page load, without fetching the data with an AJAX call (which happens when using facets). This plugin uses WordPress’ built-in menu_order field, which can be used in WP_Query’s orderby argument. Third Option: facetwp_query_args. <?php /** use this snippet with facetwp-template set as a custom class on the ** query loop block for facet compatiblity **/ add_filter( 'generateblocks_query_loop Deprecated: This hook is for the old sort shortcode. FacetWP 4. Copy the Query Arguments section. ), Relationship fields and even Repeater sub-fields. To add the User Selections facet to your page, add the following shortcode to an HTML or text widget (in Appearance > Widgets), or to a HTML block or shortcode block. . Single posts/pages normally do not have a listing template or an Overview. Paste the Query Arguments section in the new [products facetwp limit="8" orderby="date"] See the [products] shortcode’s documentation for all valid ordering options. For example, when using a custom WP_Query, you could be setting a meta_query argument, or you could be using a pre_get_posts hook. If this happens, the first thing to do is wait a few minutes. The above line in wp-config. These hooks let you modify how FacetWP loads results from the database. Search. Some plugins will warn you about this conflict (like Query Monitor and W3 Total Cache) but others don’t (like FacetWP’s Caching add-on). 1. When using a WP archive template, you can add it with a pre_get_posts filter. This means that if your FacetWP template or custom code depends on detecting the currently logged-in user, or if you restrict WordPress or FacetWP REST API access to logged-in users, you will run into issues with your code not working after an AJAX refresh is This add-on generates a flyout sidebar which can help with mobile support. What I'd like is to list You can nudge FacetWP into detecting the query by adding the query argument as shown below: As an example, we wrote a custom query in a separate template instead of the FacetWP admin. Using a page builder: 4. You can also create custom post types. php, and re-index afterward. Using WordPress blocks(with add-on) 4. Each facet type inherits from the FacetWP_Facet class and contains most (if not all) of these methods: FacetWP was built with performance in mind and is very fast itself. Why register The template editor, which you access from the “Templates” link at the top of the FacetWP admin page has two sections: “Query Arguments” and “Display Code. A frequently asked question is if it is possible to show all facet choices (for example all terms in a taxonomy), also if there are no results for some of those choices. php file. Note that FacetWP only supports one FacetWP-enabled Loop element per Tip: If you want to create a facet with images, you can use the facetwp_facet_display_value hook to change the facet’s choices into images, using the term or field value in the image file name. Worth mentioning is that Yoast SEO automatically removes the canonical link tag when the robots meta tag is set to “noindex”, because it is not necessary for that situation. e. By default, the /facetwp/v1/fetch endpoint is disabled, to protect your data. Beaver Builder(with add-on) 4. If I could somehow add 'facetwp' => 'true' to the query for this template that may achieve it. Fix indexing issues when using Meta Box with WPML If you are using Meta Box custom fields as facets’ data source, and you are translating these fields with WPML (with the Multilingual add-on installed), you may see issues with translated posts not being FacetWP’s indexed values for facets are stored (and thus ‘hardcoded’) in the indexing database table. However, FacetWP's requirements are pretty specific. When clicking a letter in the facet, the letter SELECT * FROM wp_facetwp_index f WHERE {where} ORDER BY {orderby}; This filter lets you dynamically customize the {orderby} above. FacetWP will display the element’s messages/template when there are no results after filtering, when using a Search facet, and when a This label is translatable with the facetwp_i18n hook. When you are using FacetWP, reducing the total query time is even more important. If you want to display page numbers (or any of the other pager types) twice (or more) on the same page, for example above and below your post listing, you can just re Using Stock status and Catalog visibility; Using the WooCommerce [products] shortcode; WooCommerce tax and price-based facets In this approach, FacetWP’s automatic indexing should be turned off with the facetwp_indexer_is_enabled hook. This filter lets you override the Query Arguments field from FacetWP templates. You can also set the default order using WooCommerce’s “Default product sorting” option. The /facetwp/v1/refresh endpoint is used by FacetWP itself in the front-end, for filtering. Viewing the data. If you want AND Scroll on facet interaction after the initial page load. If you are using the above code on a WooCommerce page/template, there is possibly one more thing to fix: Fix WooCommerce result counts. It is possible to disable this feature and add a submit/apply/filter button instead to let the user initiate the filtering of the results. What I'd like is to list the results in two sections: tribe_events results; posts with events filtered out; I tried to display the results using two Templates as follows: FacetWP integrates with some of the best 3rd-party plugins out there. Bricks Elementor Beaver Builder Breakdance. Each listing template can have its own grid layout, styling, and query. I have built a template in Oxgyen Builder for this specific custom post type. The following are known fixes for specific issues: Disable WPE_Governor. If you need to disable Relevanssi on specific pages or templates, all you need to do is unhook two Relevanssi filters. More info Also (non-FacetWP) AJAX-based pagination is not compatible with FacetWP. This is technically an admin page, so is_admin() returns Use a custom indexing schedule. Trigger re-indexing after importing posts or products If you are using WP All Import or WebToffee Import Export for WooCommerce to import posts/products, FacetWP’s automatic indexing can cause several issues when it runs during the import. 0. To sort results randomly in a listing template query, you can set the orderby query argument to rand, and order to ASC. But did you know that you can also use meta_query to sort the results, if you give the meta_query segment a named key?This feature was introduced in WordPress 4. Suffix: The text that appears after each slider value, for example “m2”. It also excludes other possible post statuses, like draft, pending and private. It may look like it is working because new posts are loaded, but What are ghosts? Ghosts are facet choices that do appear in the unfiltered results, but disappear after being filtered out. This table contains all the information needed to generate the facets. When importing products with the WP All Import plugin (or the free version) , FacetWP’s automatic indexer is triggered. ” Query arguments are the basic arguments passed to For further explanations about the role of the facetwp-template class in FacetWP’s automatic query detection, and ways to fix issues with it, see the sections about it on the Using a WP Archive and Using a custom WP_Query FacetWP has a built-in Import / Export tool that allows you to back up or clone facets and listing templates (made with the Listing Builder), including all of their settings:. If you make an error, your site will likely crash and may become inaccessible. 3 have an incompatibility with FacetWP v3. php:. Exclude certain choices To exclude certain choices, add the following code to your (child) theme’s functions. FacetWP supports the following listing template types: 1. If you need to sort by arbitrary values, see the example below. If you are using FacetWP together with SearchWP and WooCommerce, the WooCommerce search results page will not work well out of the Facets need to know which posts/query to filter. If you want the Listing Builder query to honor any of the “Catalog visibility” settings (or other product status values), you’ll need to narrow the query with a query filter setting, or add a tax_query in “Dev mode”: [facetwp facet="keywords"] [facetwp template="site_search"] [facetwp facet="pager_numbers"] If you want to use another type of listing template than a Listing Builder listing, you can just add the two facet The above code changes the robots meta tag only for directly loaded URLs with a FacetWP query string containing facet choices, including FacetWP pagination and sorting. Consequently, with this add-on installed, you can also use FacetWP with these supported blocks in . php (or use the Custom Hooks plugin ). 0 requires PHP 7. See also How to use sticky posts with FacetWP; Listing templates; Using the right query; Troubleshooting guide Your site deserves the best filtering. On this page, intended for beginners, we’ll explain where and how to use these code add_filter( 'facetwp_preload_force_query', '__return_true' ); A usage example can be found in our sticky posts tutorial, where the facetwp_pre_filtered_post_ids hook is used to float sticky posts to the top of the listing when they are already in the results, and the facetwp_preload_force_query hook is needed to make sure this also happens on first page This update adds support for setting a custom “No results” message or template in Bricks Posts and Query Loop elements. Click the Add Template button and give your new template a name e. If you are using WP All Import or WebToffee Import Export for WooCommerce to import posts/products, FacetWP’s automatic indexing can cause To change or set any query arguments (like posts_per_page) of an Archive Posts or Archive Products query, you can use a pre_get_posts hook. Click the “Add query sort” button to add a primary sorting rule. With this hook you can customize the returned post IDs, after the WP_Query has been executed and after any facets have been processed. The answer is no; FacetWP only indexes and displays facet choices that have results. The issues with using offset. If you are using a custom WP_Query for your listing template, you can set the argument directly in its query arguments. If you are using the above code on a WooCommerce products/shop page template, you may have the WooCommerce-native result counts on the page, which displays as e. If you have facets on a listing with posts that have no language set, filtering will lead to no results. Using a Posts, Loop Grid, or Woo Products widget WP archive template To How it works. faceted search – to your result listings. For this to work, the hook needs to run with a condition that checks if any facet is filtering, or if a specific facet, or even a specific facet choice is filtering. Click on the “Query” tab (you can ignore the “Display” tab for now). FacetWP in general is incompatible with posts in custom tables: it only indexes posts in WP’s wp_posts table, so event occurrences are not indexed. Breakdance 5. This query FacetWP provides a facet template that you can use as it is or edit to fit your site. This is because FacetWP uses AJAX calls for filtering results , and AJAX requests are uncached by default. As its name suggests, FacetWP allows you to create custom facets to filter any content available on your WordPress website: blog posts, WooCommerce products, custom content types, etc. This happens most often using Cloudflare’s “Auto Minify” feature , and using Fast Velocity Minify . When importing products with WebToffee’s Product Import Export for WooCommerce or Import Export Suite for WooCommerce plugins, FacetWP’s automatic indexer is triggered. Next, add the following code into your (child) theme’s functions. Fix indexing issues with importing posts/products. Format: The number format: Step The free Post Types Order plugin is a great tool for changing the display order of (custom) posts. The code also demonstrates the use of the FWP. In some exotic template setups and customized loading sequences, . We have seen some users using it successfully with FacetWP. Demo Buy. If you have a facet based on a taxonomy or custom (text) field, you can use the facetwp_facet_display_value hook to change the facet’s choices into images, using the term or field value in the image file name. How to set up product variations. With this hook in place, FacetWP will automatically pre-filter results based on the current category / tag / taxonomy term or search term(s), by injecting them into the Listing Builder listing’s query arguments when filtering. Results within the user-defined radius of that point are displayed. If you don’t want or cannot move the custom WP_Query from the WP archive, read the instructions on how to make this work with FacetWP. Bumped requirements. After entering a location, FacetWP uses Google to grab the latitude, longitude of that location’s central point. More info The easiest way to create this listing template is with FacetWP’s Listing Builder. Using the See more FacetWP works with custom WP queries, as long as you point FacetWP to that query with a special query argument, as shown below. Changes you make with this hook will be reflected when you click the “Show indexable post types” button again. php', array(), 'wp-job-manager-resumes FacetWP automatically refreshes whenever any facet interaction happens. Don’t try to use this hook to customize a facet’s or listing’s content HTML, as it will be overwritten after filtering. My Account Support Sales About Us Incompatible plugins. The footer section is usually a file named footer. becoming empty after Without it, the map (its markers) and other facets will just not show up, because FacetWP does not have a query to “latch onto”. Why register facets programmatically? Here are several reasons why you may want to register By default, the WordPress REST API, which FacetWP uses, does not pass along authentication/user data. But most often it interferes with FacetWP’s ability to detect or use the right query on refresh. Note: Except with the Pager facet’s scroll target setting , FacetWP and its add-ons do not add any scrolling behavior anywhere. @EmielZuurbier that could be one way to do it yes. The first letter of each post is compared to these letters, after being stripped from any accent (or simplified) with WP’s built-in remove_accents() function, before being indexed. The Sort facet’s settings and logic can be customized with the facetwp_facet_sort_options hook. See this section for more information. On the right side of the template edit screen, click the Switch to advanced mode link. php, or into the Custom Hooks plugin. As users is not a post type, Customizing a Posts module query. x and higher, causing JavaScript errors and malfunctioning facets and submit button on the homepage. How does the indexer work? When the Re-index button is clicked, FacetWP first retrieves all post How to order by random. You can read more echo facetwp_display('selections'); If you are using Elementor, and have the Elementor add-on installed, you can also use the FacetWP Facet widget to place a User Selections facet on your page. 12). facetwp_facet_display_value; facetwp_facet_html; FacetWP integrates with Bricks Builder, Beaver Builder, and Elementor Pro. Normally this is a good thing, but because importing happens at a very high In case you are using a Listing Builder listing template you may already be using the facetwp_template_use_archive hook to automatically pre-filter results based on the current category/tag/taxonomy You can do this To set up the “Query Loop” feature for use with FacetWP, follow these steps: Within Bricks, create a new Div element. Display Code. However, there are a few downsides of using functions. If you are using a Listing Builder template, you can add a secondary sort in the Query tab. This policy also helps encourage self-help; answers to many tickets already exist in our docs, accessible via the built-in search box. Each facet type consists of 2 main parts: The facet class; The facet registration (using the facetwp_facet_types hook); The facet class. In this case, the best option is to display prices and the facet values excluding tax/VAT and set “Display prices in the shop” to “Excluding tax”. Anatomy of a facet type. First, go into Settings > FacetWP and create a new template labeled Jobs. php. Below are examples of both applications. Last updated: August 6, 2024. To learn how variable products in WooCommerce work, you can follow this guide on the WooCommerce website. “Showing 1–10 of 16 results”. Navigate to the FacetWP Admin Page > Templates. Each of these objects is described below. These facets can be of With this hook, you can programmatically register/add new Listing Builder listing templates, instead of using the plugin interface. This hook is useful if you are using a Listing Builder listing template on a category, tag, taxonomy term, or search archive page. These issues are caused by caching features that are enabled by default. Hide the listing template on the initial page load. A query’s offset is defined as “the number of post to displace or pass over”. Which leaves only the main/parent events in wp_posts to be indexed. If that does not help see this page about using the right query and the Troubleshooting page for more info. 0 or above. If you are using any of the following plugins with FacetWP, make sure to read their related plugin page for tips & tricks, customizations, and fixes for known issues and incompatibilities. xnzn ylqckw ymmdba mgoom yxexgn tpmbqph xoysys utwdc sdv rjq