How to change po quantity in sap. I have tried to upload through movement type 511 or 561.
How to change po quantity in sap this is the standard SAP. how can i do that, Thanks. reasons for PO Price change after GR & IV: - to record a correct price that was not known at PO creation, could only be obtained from the invoice. My system rec'd the PO data by IDOC and used a BAPI_PO_CREATE and CHANGE to receive, create/change the PO into my system. Hello Experts, I need an Exit to change the PO item quantity when a PO is created or Changed. In Mass maintenance transaction we executed the mass maintenance with the new delivery date but it is not updated in the PO. Most of them are advicing for a BDC. Please note PR is de-released. Is there any possibility for me to change the delivery quantity to 4,so that i can do PGI for 4 qty. Thanks and Regards. The existing purchase orders appear in the selection window. and over/ under delivery tolerance and write the logic based on your EKKO. SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview. But not more than 3. Any standard configuration to restrict the user to create Most important thing is you want maintain Confirmation Scenario : PR created for 20000 qty. Image/data in this KBA is fr When you select the items and enter the quantity in this field, you would only need to substitute that quantity in the functions that do the actual posting, instead of full item quantity displayed/processed by the default. Initial output for new PO is NEU. FNAME : field name . How print relevant change fields working with S/4HANA Output As per std sap Valuation Price and Base unit of measure copied from Material master , I mean. Use MIGO movement type 103 to receive 8 PC. For eg: PR1 - 10ea, PR2 - 20ea, PR3 - 10ea. M8 -087( item without GR) - Invoice quantity greater than PO quantity as ERROR & save. NOTE: If the above setting not work ,then Maintain the messages M8 -081 & M8 -087 as ERROR in OBMSG t. then Under Purchase org Data1 ,you can find option as Purchase order unit of measure. On the Main Menu, click Inventory. Now, in order to make some changes in the PO, GR has to be reversed. It depends on Release delivery complete indicator willnot help u fully. My sales Solved: Dear All, I need to place tolerance limits on PO quantity. +The warning message is as seen below,+ "Order quantity violates rounding rules [X] Fixed number of decimal places specified 1. In SES they entering the qty as 0. If your case is something different then please brief. Client made a PO with quantity 5 EA . SAP ERP. You may also try inserting the Second line in PR and refer the same in PO line under Delivery schedule tab with PR number and line item along with This setting is made in IMG > Material Management-> Purchasing -> Message -> Output Control->Message Types->Define message type for purchase order->Fine-Tuned Control: Purchase Order. if coorect, award points. Thanks. component quantities are not adjusted. With reference to service PO they are doing the SES while doing the SES. MENGE: The quantity ordered in Hi Experts, I have a requirement to update PO quantity and Amount of a PO. when you go to the release documentation system will give you all the poS happened for the item along with the released quantity and the open quantity . The best way is to change the qty in PO and then How you are allowing more than PO Quantity in invoice, Have you selected GR-Based IV in PO. Therefore, the PO does not re-route to approval. I have tried to upload through movement type 511 or 561. Then you can go and can change PO qty to 20 . I checked confg, if field is Precise Control of Fiori App Access with the App Authorization Variants in Enterprise Resource Planning Blogs by SAP yesterday; Modify the material quantity or price in a posted purchase order in Enterprise Resource Yes, it's obvious that we can change subsequent PO, including quantity. When we need to see the changes made to any PO item we go to ME23N-> Enter PO Number - > Select an item and click on Environment-> select "Item change". VALUE_OLD : old value So am i right, that if i have UOM 1 in PO that rather than 4 digits less (or more) UOM 2 in PO price, i might not create a correct PO ? - for example, i create UOM 1 and alt. You would like to increase this number. In this case though the PO will not be considered for MRP, you will be able to post GRN. regards. I need to know the table and the field fr Currently when the PO value change, the PO will need to be re-approve. PO quantity is 8 PC. Now, GR is posted, and then Invoice due to some reasons is blocked or parked. SAP Managed Tags: MM (Materials Management) MM (Materials Management) Software Product Function. Inforecord . Regards, Rakesh Pradhan The actual machine confirmed that the quantity of PurchaseOrder could be reduced. Now GR posted for this PO and invoice not yet done. In order to reverse the GR, do we need to cancel In the SAP MM module, after a purchase order has been posted, how can I modify the material quantity or price in the already posted purchase order? I am currently learning the MM (Material Management) module in SAP ERP, specifically the procurement process. if do not change the G/L account if GR is valuated then it will hit G/L account you have on the PO. Again OPEN PO means, If the PO qty is 20 and the GR qty is it depends what fields are configured related to change and if G/L account is sensitive and configured then it will reset the release. I am populating structures :- POSCHEDULE POSCHEDULEX but I am unable to change the schedule line details. AEDAT : changed on . SAP Community; Products and Technology; Enterprise Resource Planning; Is it SAP Standard that PO price is changeable even after GR is completed? (SAP S4 hana) you can change the Po qty field to display mode in spro : Materials Management-Purchasing-Purchase Order-Define Screen Layout at Document Level , go to your PO field selection--quantity and price tab , then make the Quantity" as display, save it,then when you convert a PR to PO, the PO qty will adopt the PR qty and cannot be change. 1 no’s. So please guide me. Subscribe to RSS Feed; Dear SAP Guru, Pl suggest, GR Qunatity is higher than PO Qunatity. in Enterprise Resource Planning Q&A Monday; Unit of Measure related settings in SAP in Enterprise Resource Planning Blogs by Members Monday; Change company code from XYZ to ABC in Enterprise Resource Planning 1) If you want that this PO should not be considered for MRP run, then marks the Delivery complete indicator in item details level & save. We want to edit the PR Qty & Price after it is released and PO is created. Select PO Items from Tables & Agreement (MASSEKKO-KONNR) from Fields & Execute. Hi experts, I just want to change PO quantity by BAPI function module: BAPI_PO_CHANGE, I fill in PO number, Item number, material number and PO quantity to parameters, but result is not well. Goods has been received with Rs 500 for 100 quantity (GR values is Rs 50000)and after goods receipt net price has been changed to Rs 50 in PO. but in item detail source tab you can enter a desired order unit. ordered in full " regardless the quantities in the service tabs , because If you are expecting to change the quantity in Outbound delivery; unless the Under/Over delivery tolerance check is activated in the Customer master or the Check Over delivery (UEBPR) is activated at the Delivery Item This means that no more goods receipts are EXPECTED for this item. Generally we are using this ID for batch Job execution. NETPR : net price . If you want to restrict this by using tolerance you can restrict. eg: 52 qty One of my customer demands that purchase order quantity should not be greater than request quantity (we use the standard flow purchase request - > purchase order). CDPOS . Here is the transaction steps. Thank you for your coopearation. EBELP : item . OK, the issue now is when user change the PO item from material A to material B, quantity X to Y and price from 1 to 2, but the end result is that the total value of the PO does not change. In delivery shedule tab of purchase order,If delivery date is in future, that purchase order quantity. If you change the entry quantity of the main item when the display is expanded, the . but i can buy the material only in multiple of 50's implies, it can be for 50, 100 , 150 or so on . Third - This is where my question come in. Maintain/supply your own customer fields in the headers and items of all purchasing When you are creating PO reference with PR, it will pick 2 decimal of quantity. Now try doing MIRO. Requirement date - Have you checked the Change documents options, i guess for the initial component assignment, you wont get change documents, but when you change the quantity, it gets updated. SPRO -> MM -> Purchasing > Message -> Output control -> Message tyPes -> Define message type for Purchase Order -> Fine-Tuned Control: Purchase Order Hi Rehan, You can change the cost price of stock using Inventory Revaluation option. the value. This works fine except for a change in the material number, the PO Order Unit is getting reset to the Base UoM of the Material Master and not the value from the BAPI(BAPIMEPOITEM-PO_UNIT). Open Quantity - 3 I checked SAP notes and all notes are for older releases than ours. View products (1) In order to change the PO quantity we had to go to the Delivery Schedule Tab and change the quantity there in order for the goods issue to match goods receipt. I have gone through many posts which discusses the same issue. The message SE320 "Qu Hi professor, I have a GR problem, and it make me very confused. ( Goods have not been consumed) . message: - For the currency code ALE comm SAP ERP. A pure stock adjustment will not adjust the PO history. The key figure is updated in the base unit of measure as per the order date of the schedule line when a PO or scheduling agreement is created or changed. There you can change Qty to 20. EBELP: Retrieves the item number for each PO. Options. Hi all, I want to add confirmations details like confirmation category, delivery date, quantity, reference, etc in the confirmation tab of ME22N. For example the original PO for a line may be placed for 100 EA, subsequently the PO quantity may be changed to 150 EA, we need to capture the original PO quantity of 100 EA for some reporting purpose. So change order quantity equal to GR quantity in PO. Within tolerance limits, system will allow to post extra quantity GRN. However the return value says its succesfull but its not updating. This table has a field 'VGABE', which is the Transaction type. g 5 percent of the PO quantity is allowed to GRN. ? Former Member. When i put the first line with the quantity of 35 it shows me the red If you change the entry quantity of the main item when the display is collapsed, the corresponding entry quantities of the components are determined again by the system according to the purchase order. SAP Community; Products and Technology; change decimal places in PO quantity Go to solution. WPOHF4C for Create Purchase You would like to change the quantity of a confirmed PO; For a higher quantity you experience no error message; For a lower quantity you get the error: "Quantity 'X' smaller than quantity If you need to change a purchase order after you have issued it, you must void it and create a new one. Hello zhaoyan80. In your case use quota arrangement quantity 200 PC and test the case, if quota arrangement is a suitable another option is to activate the enhancement MEVME001 - WE default quantity calc. The committed quantity is calculated according to the first confirmed quantities. That is just the basic design of SAP ( and any integrated system I have worked with since the In SAP45, we can print the whole PO after we changed or added the PO item, but not any more in ERP6. e. Change indicator will NOT be set for the new output for changed PO ZPRN. Dear all, if the PR is raised for some quantity, at the time PO with ref to the PR we want restrict the quantity not to exceeds the PR quantity. The problem is that when you create a PO referred to a service purchase requisition the field ““quantity”” under the service tab became ““grey””. When i test the BAPI with SE37, i am facing following problems. Remove the PO Quantity and click on enter or from the item details, navigate to the Delivery Schedule tab and delete amount, change, after goods receipt, after invoice, SRMSTD, exceed , KBA , SRM-EBP-POR , Local Purchase Order , SRM-EBP-PD , Procurement Document Methods , Problem About this page This is a preview of a SAP Knowledge Base Article. At the time of standard PO creation the purchase info record price = 100 and hence the PO price = 100. I would like to know is there any better way to achive this than BDC. Suppose conversion factor is 50KG=1BAG. Other Purchase and enter the purchase order; Click on Display/Change; In the edit mode of the PO. GR and IR for all these all 5 items were done on 3-11-2008. SAP given fast change option to enter new data or change old data for all line items or selected line items in Purchase order. Also I wanted to know is there any setting by which i can lock this functionality (like users will not allow to change qty if material is recd (partially / fully )against this Po item. If the number you are getting is the release order quantity , please check the POs assiciated with the contract Hi SAP Experts, Greetings to all I wish to ask following question: I have a PO with 100 Rs and posted the goods receipt. When the price or quantity changes in Approved PO the Release strategy re triggered. also shown by system as open quantity. You have defined the UoM in transaction CUNI with more than 3 decimals, Nevertheless the quantity in the purchase order takes only 3 decimals. and no tolerance set in PO, info record and material master, and never click the button unlimited in delivery tap. Hi All, User has problem in changing the quantity of a PO. now my PO now should be for a quantity of 50. PO is created with value of 100 SAR. Let us say PR has created with certain quantity & amount, there should n't any changes on this while converting PR into PO, but at present the quantity & value can be changed from the PR. The corrections in SAP Note 1275923 check Get to Know Display Product Availability in Enterprise Resource Planning Blogs by SAP yesterday; Change Delivery Batch No & quantity. Please suggest solution for mass maintenance of delivery da Normally the release order quantity will be the sum of all POs qty for that item. For example. Jurgen, there is no such functionalty which will update the Changed PR quantity to PO automatically. 2) If you do not want to post any GRN for this PO, then change the PO quantity to the quantity of actual GRN made. Redefaulting of Accounting Fields After Editing Price or Quantity on Change Orders . Now, the requirement is : 1. As per SAP Note 1694267 - BAPI_ALM_ORDER_MAINTAIN not for work orders you need to try with BAPI BAPI_PRODORD_CHANGE, CO_SE_PRODORD_CHANGE. 5 and next time 20, but system not allowing to do this. Already service entry sheet is created against this Purchase order, and posted invoice receipt and even payment is also done. 1. they just change the net price . EKPO . A dialog box appears prompting you to confirm if you want to identify the items by PLU or vendor’s SKU. EBELN : document number . Attached screenshots for reference. As said by Mr. To modify a purchase order: On the Main Menu, click Inventory. WPOHF4XS for Change Purchase Order. Increase in Quantity, vendor may agree to existing price or may ask different price. You can change the value of the Po line item by going to the service line items in the item details, either by In this tutorial, we will learn How to Change a Purchase Order. I am filling the PO Number in the "PURCHASEORDER" Import parameter. Then save your entries. First the sytem will not allow you to accept all 100 nos unless untill you have maintained the required over delivery tolerance in the PO ( under delivery tab of PO item details ) 2. i. You will get more details about each transaction code by clicking on the tcode name. Enter your PO's there & Execute. Hi, I'm trying to modify target quantity (ekpo-ktmng) in an item of a scheduling agreement (you can see it in me33l transaction). System will allow you to change the Qty NOw If you want to change the qty less than 20 ( GRN qty)Then System will now allow you to change it. When you increase the amount or quantity beyond the set tolerance limit, the system will reset the release. SAP Note 493318 - FAQ: Purchase requisition (ME51N,ME52N, ME53N) Q&A. The system is still having GRN for 100 (and there is no change in quantity of purchase order only price is updated). Steps to Change a Purchase Order. if you have Version management active or not and G/L is relevant to version management or not. Second - Goods Receipt MIGO posted. In ERP6, we can copy from the original output to get the whole PO, otherwise it's defaulted to only the changes. The delivery qty 5,is grayed out. Hi friends i am changing the purchase order data using BAPI_PO_CHANGE ,but data is not updates ple help me i want update fowling fields data Purchasing Document Number(ebeln) PO Item Details Item Number of Purchasing Document(EBELP) Delivery Date(EEIND) Net Price(NETPR) PO Item Details --> Deliver Here is a list of possible How to change purchase order quantity related transaction codes in SAP. 2) If original PO qty is 1,000 and i want to reduce po qty to 600 Hi, its all depends on business requirement what to change after PO creation or change allowed after PO creation. If the delivery completed indicator is set, the open purchase order quantity becomes zero, even if the full quantity has not been delivered. There are no job logs in SAP. Tolerance limits are maintained in customizing only for increase of quantity of value. We need to be able to update the PR Line to reflect an Increased Value i. setup 2 message types, one for real new purchase order e. Since the info record price changed to 150 and need to correct the PO price also to 150. I went back to the PO (now this PO has PO history reflected the material document 101 posting transaction). Now user wants to change PR quantity but it is greyed out. If GRN is made for more than PO quantity then the change must be updated in PO line item automatically for GRN value and quantity. I have used BAPI_PO_CHANGE to update the quantity of PO. Save and Exit. All are possible in SAP, but we need to group things up and need to deliver the logic to a well determined abaper to work. As far as I know that is SAP standard functionality - PO can still be changed after GR - and I don't know of any configuration to modify that. CHANGIND : change indicator . if ur po has 10 pcs and u have already received 4 pcs and dont want to receive any further quantity then change the PO quantity to 4 pcs. If you create manually PO(without any reference) with 3 decimals, you can understand, System allows 2 decimals first time, then you can change it to 3 decimals. i want to know what will happen with this work in the system ?? So In Vl02N ,screen,i found that the delivery qty is 5 and picked qty is 4. The confirmation quantity must have two lines, the first 35 pcs and the second 135 pcs. EBELN: Fetches the purchase order number. I have released PO and did GR. If the PO is subjected to release then in that case better create a new PO for 90 nos and PO Number , material, Delivery date. ' I have also tried pa Hi Gurus, We have a new requirement. Create PO. It means i cannot make any change. bapi_po_change quantity adds up Application Development Discussions Join the discussions or start your own on all things application development, including tools and APIs, programming models, and keeping your skills sharp. Regards, w1n I want PO Pending Value of the Balance quantity in currency [Ex: INR] For example. I am making one report for open purchase order quntity. So many SAP users don’t know fast change option in ME21N and ME22N. if 1000 plant A has 100 ton PO Pending means Pending value is Rs 100000 [ if 1 ton = Rs 1000 ] I want To Take Plantwise & Material Type wise PO Pending value in currency Ex: INR for particular duration. Solved: hi all sap expert, PO release strategy is configure changeable (can be reset to release if any change occurred). We use price estimates to create the PO but when we receive the final price for the oil products from the Supplier, most times there is a significant difference between the estimated price and the final price. code & save. You can change it manually after PO created. In your case, since it is a MTO scenario, only after sale order is received, the requirements would be triggered to procurement and production team based on the MRP settings you set at Basically if you want to short close PO via reducing quantity equal to receipt quantity, then first read (sum) receipt quantity from EKBE table and then pass that quantity along with PO number to BAPI_PO_CHANGE and modify the PO. You also have to chage the order quantity. Here by setting sy-subrc I can control output triggering of PO. Hi Gurus, PO created on behalf of PR with 7000 of Quantity, now after delivering 2000 of Qty, vendor refuses to supply balance Qty. be/Z-tV3olK60E#s4hana #abap #sap #fiori #sapfico #idoc #programming #sapworkflow #sapsecurity@Wouter van Heddeghem In general whatever the order quantity you enter in the sale order to that extent only, you can create an outbound delivery and post the goods issue. 01%. (Because I have to update the component quantity from a custom program . But in CDHDR table, we are getting Admin ID as changed by ID. 4. Change PO. and user has modify the confirmed Quantity[Order Quantity-Actual confirmed Quantity] and clicks on save button. Thanks in Advance or you may check option of advance shipping notification where you can't receive more than PO quantity. I have multiple Purchase Requisitions for the same material for different quantities. PO Qunatity is 40, GR is to be done twice, 1st time 22. Subscribe to RSS Feed; SAP ERP. Tolerance fields in purchase order screen will be changed to display fields only. mahesh naik The standard conversion from PR to PO will not change the quantity per se obviously, but it would not be accepted by many customers to simply remove the capability to order more than what was requested - be it by changing one PO item generated from the PR or be it by having multiple PO items created for the same PR. Ie) <b>PO Quantity = PO Even in partially or fully delivered orders , I can change (increase) Ordered qty in Purchase Order items and even for the PO items for which "Delivery Completed" is set , I can change qty. And most of the quantity has been consumed (around 80 quantity). 2622767-LIV: MIRO/MIR7 SAP ERP Central Component all versions ; SAP ERP all versions ; SAP S/4HANA all versions ; SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP all versions ; SAP enhancement The message " Materials of requisition & item & alr. when i found it I said u must reverse the GR after change the po price . So whether this open quantity is taken into account or not. shall we use any exit to restrict change in po quantity. But now unable to change Qty in PO/PR . Confirmed Quantity - 2. Utsav In the system the field quantity (menge) has 3 decimals. But there is some problem. There is customizing (transaction OMBZ) which you may need to change temporarily to allow a cancellation of a GR despite of having an invoice posted, But this will only allow to adjust the received quantity, the invoice receipt quantity is still wrong SPRO - MM - Purchasing - PO - Rlease Procedure for PO - Define Release for PO - Release Indicator. I have successfully changed the PO quantity via BAPI to find the entry in table VETVG disappear. But this PO may not be changed if good receipt. This scenario is suited for small value PO. Use MIGO movement Increase in PR quantity can be possible, but if you add that quantity to PO, you have to change PO quantity as part of PO amendment or change in the PO. After that I again I came back and changed the PO price to 120. 1) Though i do not want to change delivery date, it is asking to enter delivery date and quantity in item-schedule data. e may need to increase the PO qty due We are facing probelms with Purchase Order Line item quanities changes in SAP. but in this case person who creates the PO can't change the PO. Is that correct? Please respond, Best Regards, AI. regards, we want to restrict the po quantity change after any transaction against the PO. the PR is always in the base unit of measure, you cannot change this. or seperate the ME21n authorization and me22n authorization. AEND or CHNG. The opposite could also exist where the optimum we have defined within the min lot size field is greater than the minimum, however, if this optimum should change we Change Purchase Order in SAPhttps://youtu. 2. - to have a correct price in the PO, for the case you dont maintain conditions in infor records and Hi all. 5. Use table “POITEM” of type “BAPIMEPOITEM” and enter line item no. You can find it under Inventory--> Inventory Transactions--> Inventory Revaluation. It is still possible to post goods receipts of remaining quantities, but these no longer change the open purchase order quantity. Try Document Overview option from left panel of the me21n window then select your PR number and adopt the PR, you will find quantity as mentined in PR. When I display PR status tab there I can see the PO details but if I delete PO item, although it says u201Crequisition quantity 1 ST open againu201D, PO details are not deleted from PR status tab and standard reports show that, such as ME5A, PO number and other If suppose PO is raised for 100 EA and price is 10 / EA. UOM 2; 1 UOM2 = 10000 UOM1 in mat. I am assuming that by "confirmed qty in PO Delivery schedule tab" you mean the "Delivered" column. If your PO quantity is higher than the goods receipt I really don't know how the item master was changed, unless they did it directly thru sql and that is unsupported. How to handle this. WPOHF4X for Change Purchase Order. MATNR: Material associated with the purchase order. Thanks, Pradeep M Hi . in that select ME21N field selection check in item detail quantity field is disply mode or optional , if it is diplsy then change here , save it, go back create one more time PO then it allows you to change. SAP Community; Products and Technology; SAP Managed Tags: MM (Materials Management) MM (Materials Management) (Change PO)-Go go last item details and select Delivery tab. When you reduce quantities or values the system only resets the release Hi, Recently we are facing a weird situation. Mark as New Hi, 1st check did you have entry of Indicator: Print Operation (1-New) and ( 2-change ) and did selection of check box of Indicator: Print Operation (1) done with PO output type in following path:. I'm in need of a BAPI to do this. But PO now showing quantity 150 Ea in PO. Suppose a PO is created with reference to PR. VALUE_NEW : new value. As long as GR quantity is less than order quantity system will allow you to do GR wrt that PO eben though completion indicatoe is set. In our System, we PO Line items quanities are changed by Adim ID. Click Purchase Orders. Hi, I am trying to create the outbound delivery from VL04 using the PO. Use parameter “PURCHASEORDER” of type “BAPIMEPOHEADER-PO_NUMBER” to give PO no. Hence want to reduce QTY in PO and make a fresh PO for balance Qty to other vendor. Generally after PO creation, some business, if needed just change quantity needed of material or may add another material in next line item. I have created a new requirement routine 9XX, and assigned to respective output type. Then do the GR and IR for the difference quantity/ You can not change the PO quantity by using these limits. sapman Even though the optimum order qty is 5, we need the PO to use 10. However you can use the BAdI ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST enhancement, method FIELDSELECTION_ITEM to restrict Setting the delivery completion indicator will not solve the issue. Use table “POITEMX” of type “BAPIMEPOITEMX” and enter line item no. I have created PO with net price has Rs 500 for 100 quantity. Why system behaves like this. what are the configuration steps to do this, rgds If Po cretaed of 100 Qty. Or before GR go to PO and ammend ( Change ) the po qty from 10 to 100. Now i wanted to change the GR vaue as Rs 5000 . Even the Closed indicator is disabled. But the problem is how can the quantity be greater than the SC quantity? Beside, we can't control required quantity vs ordered quantity. Click the purchase order you want to modify, and then click Open. 2) short description. Change the quantity in PO to the qty that has been delivered via BAPI: BAPI_PO_CHANGE. and i want to update the below fields of Purchase order(PO) 1. DEV in purchasing department users change the po price without the do anything . It is always collecting the Qty of RFQ or referance document but you can change the same manually if you want to restrict to manually change then only option one option is "you have to change po-qty field status to display only" but this will not the proper soluction. I am trying to change the Delivery quantity in the program( MV50AFZ1 ) in the routine In that i need to display Order Quantity,open Quantity,and Confirmed Quantity[Editable]. PO quantity, Delivery date , net price for all items which has matching material as in selection screen 2. once GR done system should not allow me to change the price and Quantity in PO. I am also filling the "CONF_TYPE", "DELIV_DATE" and "QUANTITY" fields in the "POCONFIRMATION" Table parameter which is specifically the data i need to add to the use BAPI_PO_CHANGE. M8 -081 Quantities invoiced greater than goods receipt quantity as ERROR ( maintain GR-based IV in the PO item level) 2. NEU and one for a real order change e. What this will allow you to do, is to make changes like "delivery completion indicator" etc. Instead of 500 qty we uploaded 450 qty however the total cost i. Can you please help me by providing the recovery steps and also what impact the change will have. Now if i again go to PO system is allowing me to change the price and again triggering PO Release. I think this gets populated ONLY once the delivery is created which is for the reduced qty, The HELP on this field shows "The Quantity delivered field shows you the quantity delivered against this schedule line via an outbound delivery (or possibly several such deliveries). I Are you adopting the PR for PO creation or you are trying to create PO with reference to PR. Click Display All. So basically, I'd modify the program in a new ZLQ02, and put a new field on the item screen. How to set the amount to be calculated automatically depending on the quantity introduced in MIRO / MIR7 transactions. e Delivery time, date, header texts, PO quantity etc). Change indicator will then be set for the new output for changed PO ZPRN. View products (2) Hi Guys, After releasing Purchase Order not advisable to change Purchase Order as it contains vital parameters like payment term, price negotiated & all other delivery terms and conditions. I am using IDOCs and BAPI_PO_CHANGE to update PO's in SAP (as PO's are created/maintained in an external system and interfaced to SAP). I am trying to change the Confirmation data for an existing PO using the BAPI "BAPI_PO_CHANGE". We can see fast change Price Transfer is already implemented and user is using the same but in this case ( Automatic PO process when MRP generate PR for Stock transfer and user change the PR quantity/price and try to convert PR into PO thru ME59N, system is taking the changed quantity in PO but net price field is coming blank with free indicator checked. Refer to the documentation of enhancement MM06E005 in SMOD transaction - it reads: With the enhancement, you can . Re: bapi_po_change quantity adds up Application Development Discussions Join the discussions or start your own on all things application development, including tools and APIs, programming models, and keeping your skills sharp. In this case the easiest way is to just delete the PO and recreated again, something very weird happened there and trying to force it will just complicate thing more, my suggestion is to just delete the order, at the end is only one PO. Either of the approach will List of How to change purchase order quantity transaction codes in SAP. When the users tries to modify, using me33l, the quantity of an item in an scheduling agreement, I need to pick this value (ktmng) and modify it according to some rules We have a business requirement where in we need to Capture the Original Purchase Order quantity for the line item. Dear Friends, We need a check in the standard functionality for the purchase requisition. Former Member. This will lead to ordering the unnecessary materials. (1, Register 100 units as scheduled for delivery in PurchaseOrder, 2, Register 100 units as scheduled for delivery in Inbound Delivery Notification, 3, Register 5 units in Inbound Delivery, 4, Edit the quantity in Purchase Order and change it to 5 units). under: SAP ERP. ordered in full- E" is used to control the PO quantity from exceeding the PR Qty. So I check changes done in Environ For changing material quantity for any material in particular plant ,you have to add or remove the stock through MIGO (Good receipt or Goods Issue ) Transaction. GRN done for 20 Qty. Click Purchase The order quantity (PO quantity) is the quantity of materials ordered on the basis of POs and scheduling agreements. Remove the PO Quantity and click on enter or from the item details, navigate to the Delivery Schedule tab and delete the entire row relevant for the PO item line. For an invoice receipt, the value of this field is '2' for the Purchasing Document. The key figure is updated in the base unit of measure as per the order Even in partially or fully delivered orders , I can change (increase) Ordered qty in Purchase Order items and even for the PO items for which "Delivery Completed" is set , I can How to Edit purchase order in SAP : T-Codes ME22N Purchase order Details :- Purchase Order T-Codes :- ME21N – Create purchase order in SAPME22N – Edit Purcha Solved: Hi, How can I set the number of decimal places in PO quantity? Thanks so much! Regards, Paula. But nor the purchase requisition or purchase order quantity changed to the minimum purchase order quantity. I've tried it first using SE37 before using it. Edited by: lastlegion on Nov 8, 2011 1:23 AM The order quantity (PO quantity) is the quantity of materials ordered on the basis of POs and scheduling agreements. Solved: Dear experts, system is allowing to create Inbound Delivery for more than the PO line Item quantity. what u can do is after selecting the delivery complete indicator change the quantity of the PO to what u have already received i. There should n't be any change in quantity & value while creating PO from PO. Enter your values at New Values & Click on Carry Out Mass Change Icon. You may try inserting the second line item in PO referring the Same PR number. When MRP runs, it should create requirements without rounding and when we adopt PR for po creation it rounds the value. If you do not have an SAP ID, you can create one for free from the login page. 20. If we enter the quantity manually in ME21N then it does not do any rounding, it's only when converting the Preq to PO we run into this issue. Thanks, Awadh But Now I want to restrict this output type triggering when the changes made to several field only (i. Take related Movement types and fetch the GR's received against each PO item by passing EBELn and EBELP fields to MSEG. and mark quantity with “X”. 1) PO quantity. Hello, I am trying to use BAPI_PO_CHANGE to change the schedule line quantity on a Purchase Order. in the item overview section) get updated as well. In other hand , some business need to change PO price just after creation and before PO release and which SAP Note & KBA: No change output is generated for PO change using S/4HANA Output Control: 2693734. In case of quantiy change and also to add an item in the PO after GR and IR, then directly we can change the PO by ME22N. Hi Ravi, Check out the Purchase Document History Table(EKBE). It seems that this value can be changed if I just modify Quantity on a PO service line through transaction ME22N, but when I'm doing the same using BAPI_PO_CHANGE (by changing Quantity and Net Value fields in tables poservices and posrvaccessvalues), it changes only the Quantity on the service line, but not the Actual Quantity (ACT_MENGE) in GR Quantity Higher than PO Quantity Go to solution. Anil Dear Frnds, In ME23N Transaction, when we open any PO and change any item details, and save the same. Amending the PO value and Quantity is not acceptable because it goes for many approvals and change documents and so on. View products (2) Dear All, How i can restrict any change in the PO qty of Masop / Sub contracting PO after any transaction against the PO. I checked the configuration (M/34) and compared program FM06AEND, form routine CHANGE_FLAG between SAP45 and ERP6. You can change a purchase order to edit the properties of the line items in the order, as well as add items to or delete items from the order. View products (2) Hi, Hi Gurus, 1) In some cases end user can change PO quantity even after GR and IR done for full quantity mentioned in PO. When I combine these 3 PR's into a single PO, the total quantity is 40. Thanks, Ted. Hi , The scenario is: There is a change which have to be made in a PO. I need change the price in SES. it shows a message below and the purchase order is not changed. Example. A solution we thought out was set the purchase quantity to 0 when the PO is generated, otherwise users can modify the quantity greater than expected and book the order without "checking" or "saving". double click on this message to get the Message number , You need to change the status of this message to warning . Please let me know any BAPI or FM to change the confirmation detials of This can be obtained with the help of PO item <EKPO> table and PO change history<CDPOS> tables. then i need to confirm that Quantity at item level. The BAPI call returns a success message saying 'No Data wa schanged. If a delivery time exists for the item, the system takes it into account, as in calculation rule A, and confirms the earlier date. Delivery Quantity - 2. master, after that i create PO with quantity 1 UOM1 and price is per 1 UOM2, so it's should be calculated for 0,0001 quantity, but 3 decimals will round my Hello Experts, I need to change the BOM component quanity. next go SPRO>MM>purchasing-->Purchase order-->Define screen layout at document level. In the analyses for long-term planning, the PO quantity corresponds to the I have a requirement to round the PO quantity to a vendor lot size. While changing existing PO quantity, system is allowing to change PO quantity below the actually executed quantity. Initial output for new PO has to be ZPRN. Ex : Order Quantity - 5. EKPO. So if you want to change the quantity in the PR you can not do it if a PO is created ! When i checked in SAP sandbox for PR with We use Moving Average Price (MAP) for stock valuation and so the price & quantity in the PO affects the moving average price. with quantitiy to be changed. PO created for 12000 qty. And As per your Query, You can change in case of PO not applicable for release, But you should think before changing the PO Quantity. Street/House number ,Postal Code/City in header level (Give any dummy values for street/house number city and postal code) 2. e. For example we uploaded 450 qty with the total value of 45,000. Step 1) For changing an existing purchase order you can use transaction code ME22N (or ME22 – the old version). 3. The requirement is, if a materail have the stock quantity of <b>10</b> and a PO is created for the same material with<b> 20</b> quantity then the PO should saved with 10 quantity. they said in the last years we changed the a lot of po price without the revers the GR. Hi, Purchase order quantity can be determined by lot size indicators minimum and maximum quantity. We have to change Purchase Orders line items delivery date, we have tried with the 'MEMASSPO - Mass Maintenance' . . Show replies You must be a registered user to add a comment. Regards. The commitment date is recalculated if the material, quantity, first date, or delivery time change. I have already understood the basic process of creating purchase orders. Based on the invoice value they entering the quantity in SES suppose they got the invoice value of 10 SAR. The invoice of the PO has been cancelled by A/P, but still he is not able to change the quantity. Then we do simply mathematics, from the requested quantity subtracting the ordered quantity and the entered quantity in the Purchase Order (total quantity of all items referring to the same Purchase Requisition Item) Hello, I have a purchase order which has the delivery completed (and the period has closed), and i want to change the Confirmation quantity. Iam new to SRM, what is the process to be followed in order to change the quantity in a PO for an exisiting shopping cart? Thanks, Shravya Hi, We have gone live and we have uplaoded the initial stock through movement type 561. In the Edit mode of the purchase order, you notice that the purchase requisition field is grayed out to make the change. if you created two service POs for the same PR , system will prompt "Materials of requisition & item & alr. Outside tolerance limits, purchase has to change quantity in purchase order and order will go fo release. g. We checked in System but we couldn't find any batch job. Import Parameters: PURCHASEORDER = PONUMBER Tables When I put in the price and quantity value in this tab, the quantity and price of the main line item (i. To change the PO Quantity: I would suggest not to change the PO Quantity, but Delete the PO (Line Item in PO ) & then change the Sales Order Quantity, which will change the PR Quantity automatically & subsequently create a new PO. Against each PO item there will be GR's in MSEG table. make quantity field as display for me22 in OMF4. Do correct me if my understanding is wrong. 45,000 is correct. For Release ID "R" - Make Changeable column as "3" and make % Value change as 0. Recently, we ran into a problem when a PO was initially created with Invoice Receipt (ekpo-wepos = 'X'), then changed to Free_item from the interface. It didn't work in the following case: 1. In this scenario , mantain Kg in Order Unit and then maintain conversion factor as 50 KG -- > 1 We are using BAPI_PO_CHANGE for changing following in PO. ogurswjowkqnlmgvzuynwgeuastzovpoocrruyyzclffkjbgf