My parents won t let me spend the night with my boyfriend. Just go and be the nicest person you can be.
My parents won t let me spend the night with my boyfriend "My main computer is a mac" that's pretty expensive. I worked my ass off all summer, and now I'm ready to buy something I want. He confronted me on my second day of work and just didn’t let me go after that. We’ve been together for about 2. I live alone, but my parents are my neighbors. they already know i have had sex but they still won’t budge. I may cross post to other subs. It isn’t a financial problem, because I will get a schoolarship that covers a lot of costs. Let me anyways cause whatever. My mother sayw the package and was already pissed that i ordered something with MY OWN money and she asked me how much i paid (950 bucks), she was outraged at the money i paid and said i was selfish for spending my own money in the way i wanted and that i probably only got it for Gaming even tho i told her before i wont buy a graphicscard only I don't want him to feel pressured to let me stay over, yet it hurts my feelings and makes me feel like a bad girlfriend that he doesn't want to spend that time with me. Just try not to have any attitude when talking to them. When I told my parents we wouldn’t spend Christmas together, they made a face and that’s when they suggested I visited them instead. I feel like I'm ready to runaway from home they don't let me get a breather without the am being on my back 24/7 I just need I want to spend the night after a date with my boyfriend but I don’t know how to bring it up to my My dad also prevented me from working a while ago when i got my first job without his knowledge. Hell, most parents won't even allow 17 year olds to spend the night with their girlfriend or boyfriend. ( I live alone) She lives with her parents and they dont allow her to sleep here and what is even more frustrating is that they are not giving a valid argument for this. Boyfriend (49m) got upset at me (27f) for defending my doctor. I’m also scared of what my parents will do. TLDR: My boyfriend won't let me stay over for one night because he says he needs to recharge his social batteries. They don't let me leave or even sleep at my boyfriend's house for one night. I'm not going to lie, depending on your age I can or cannot understand why they would do that. Things have been good so far but I just want to spend more time with him. I'm 18 and my parents promised me when I turned 16 that they'd let me drive when I was 18. I have worked 30+ hours weekly to financially support myself for food, self care, etc. My job is temporary and paying minimum wage, I can't afford that. I’m 20 (F) and still live with my parents. It confuses me, like I understand parents don't want their 'princess' to leave, but I feel like she's old enough and so does she. I'm homeschooled so I don't really have a way to make friends or talk to people irl, plus My parents won't let me close my room door. I drive her home and she invites me in. Been with my girlfriend for 6 months, and her parents are fine with me staying over at her house, and really don't care about sleeping arrangements. Others, however, are strictly against it. Jackpot! I would, on a special occasion Even though I don't earn much I spend as little as necessary and save a lot so that I can both have some emergency funds and also spend it on something I would like occasionally, I want to get a PS4 this year but still he won't let me buy one and doesn't support the idea, I don't have the freedom to make my own decisions, he always tries to decide things for me and I hate that. He is a good guy and I know him well. However, my boyfriend is 23 years old and his parents won't let him stay out overnight anywhere and try to be very controlling, but he can usually find a way to worm his way out of it (not the overnight thing though, sadly). My parents always let me use my own money, but they'd ADVISE me whether to or not to do the purchase and often I'd explain why I My parents won’t let me take HRT . My boy (21M, Europe) and I (19F, Last year he made the sacrifice to come all the way here to stay only a week just to see me (he also spent like 2000$ just to see me for a week). 5 years and I’m ready to go our separate ways. They got us a PS2. My parent's won't let me spend my own money. You’ve only got a few years until you’ll have more control over who you spend time with and such. Just point-blank honesty. So when I’m home, they can annoy me but they won’t disturb me working. You might seek out some counseling to support you in understanding that you don’t need her or anyone else’s permission to decide to spend time with your boyfriend. 17 is I'm 21 and I have a job, right now I have over $10,000 saved but my parents won't let me buy anything unless it's "important". My brother and me essentially told our parents that if you don't want us to play on the PC and get viruses, get us a PS2. But my parents don’t want me to get braces because I have to remove some teeth because my jaw is too small and cramped. Yeah I guess I didnt spend enough time with my family. Instead he advised me to spend money to buy new clothes and to just doll myself up. My boyfriend is originally from Chicago where we met and he is now living with his parents during grad school. My parents are quite wealthy, my dad earns over $500,000 a year. my dad went to bed relatively early as he had to be up for work at 6am and my boyfriend used to stay til 3am then sneak out before my dad got up. Then I sat them both down and explained the whole situation and let me have it after that. snoring, restlessness, loud breathing (58%) 4. My parents live about 30 minutes drive away. I have set clear boundaries and tried to reason with them but they don’t care. Especially not now, since we are in the middle of a pandemic. If it were my kids, I'd let them. Although she knew I wasn't a Virgin. I also do chores around the house so they don’t mind me playing video games, but they don’t like it either. I won’t tell you what you’re doing is guaranteed to lead to sex because we spent a lot of daytime hours unsupervised in my then-boyfriend’s dorm/apartment and we still kept the pants on. My father and I are developing a nice friendship where I can go talk to him about anything and he talks to me, and he doesn’t order me around or give me direction anymore. My parents are extremely strict and paranoid people. Hello, I wanted to make this post because I see a train wreck happening in the near future. This is so important to me that I'm considering moving out if you can't be okay with it. If you’re faced with this situation, try to talk with your child, not to your child. My parents then replied that they wanted to see me face to face to talk but that my boyfriend isn’t allowed. I am 15 and I recently came out to my parents. My parents don’t say anything bad about the guy, and the guy are respectful to my parents. I wasn't in a financial position to move out, so had to suck it up. The only time I drive at night is when I’m going home from work. My parents don't let me play games on computer. I'm very mature for my age, I have a job, I go to college, I also drive my brother and sister to their sport practices and take my aunt and pick her up from work. i am a trans guy and i feel a lot of disphoria about my hair. but I need advice on how I (15f) could possibly convince my parents into letting me have a boyfriend. My parents won't let me spend time with my girlfriend . Legally, could my parents report me to the police? Even if they know where This is going to be a slightly long post so please bear with me. We are both in our mid-early 20s. I’m tired of it and she always says, “what do u need it for past midnight when u should be asleep. I talk to them about what's going on in my life, and I've told them about my boyfriend. My parents let my boyfriends spend the night, and let me spend the night at their houses. (F25) wants to peg me but won’t even get me flowers My parents are so strict they won’t let me hang out with my boyfriend unsupervised (neither will his parents) even though we are both teenagers and responsible we both have good grades like all A’s and if my My parents won't let me spend my own money. This can lead to problems for your plans, especially if they're usually the sort to deny you Please see my history post for this one. now i am in an official relationship with my boyfriend who I’ve been dating for 3 months and my parents won’t let me sleep over at his house (I’m 29) because they think it’s “inappropriate” and “too soon”. hes got work in the morning near me, so I asked my parents if he can stay over to make it easier for him, so he doesnt have to go home late thursday night (which is 2 buses away) and come all the way back up here early friday morning. We weigh the pros and cons and provide practical advice to help you make an informed decision about what's best for Your parents can call the police, but the police won't do anything as you are 18 unless you are being held against your will by your boyfriend. I’m already 22 [F]. 5 years and he never asks me to sleep over and last night we got into an argument when I asked him if I could sleepover. she makes fun of me all the time, I have many siblings who are old enough so they've moved out, now it's just me, I am 13 and I want to live with my friends, (they've all offered). Update: Now i can't at night and they're threatening to disable the lock Also the reason I wanted to go out was because I have a gym membership and I need to use their showers. My boyfriend's coming over tonight and we were going to watch a movie on Netflix and my mom won't let me have him in my room so we can have a TV to watch it on. I have over $11,000 in the bank, with my regular job income continuously lifting that amount higher. So I have been dating this guy for 5 months roughly. I have a part time job which brings in $150 a week for me, equating to around $8k a year. Guest joxxy. He wants me to spend the night, but my parents obviously won't let me. My parents are the kind of parents where they were both 16 when my mom was pregnant, and I know that my mom doesn't want me to date (probably not to end up like her) and those normal talks of 'focus on college'. I'm just confused on what to do and if I should be worried. My parents help pay for my living expenses, and obviously I don And let me guess, your parents also won't drive you to a friend's house or the park/ mall either? But idk if id guilt trip my child like that(i don't have kids rn) I drive across town to visit my boyfriend's mother and grandparent's every weekend. Posted January 24, 2010. Even if the police do come to his My daughter recently went over to her boyfriend’s house last Saturday night to hang out like she has done in the past. My parents tracked me so they knew if I was at his house overnight so if your mom does that, only stay at friend‘s houses when you do it. Conversation flows on and not too soon after he starts bragging about the $120 bottle of whiskey he splurged on for the night. I feel like I’m not being taken seriously by my parents or my boyfriend. I just don't understand why I am not allowed to spend my own money that I worked my ass off for. I go over there a lot to hang out with them and my little sister. Recently we were preparing for a visit to my parent’s house. with my older brother. It’s annoying when no one has any faith in your ability to keep your stuff on. Last night he fell asleep and I was so happy. Live it. parents won't let me spend my own money. My boyfriend stole my toy to use on himself and hid it from me. So I continued to date my boyfriend but now I feel like it’s harder to go out with him. They said something about the process being easier once I'm 18 so I accepted. I have currently 250 euros and i want to take a small part of it (30 euros) and add it in my Steam wallet , to buy games and stuff , but they keep telling me no , they think that i am "addicted" in videogames but really ,it's because of the lockdown . Initially whenever I started dating him, it was very new so i’d stay out past midnight and my mom would blow up my phone telling me to come home. I dont currently have a job but i considered getting one in order to save some money to buy instruments and food if i will get accepted at the university (if my parents wont want to financially support me and buy me food). Long story short there’s no specific reason I don’t want to be with him but I don’t see him ever being my husband, his presence annoys me often, and he can be kinda dumb sometimes. My mom lives about a 3 1/2 hr drive away from both myself and my girlfriend. I’ve been super lonely lately. It depends on culture and how much trust parents have in you and your partner, IMO. ” I spent the night last night and it made my parents livid. So my job went back to working in person abruptly, and I am currently living ~1 hr away. they won't even let me sleep over at my friend's house~ but i'm not sure about him sleeping over here, It wasn't until my serious boyfriend that I had a boyfriend spend the night though. we hung out My (23F) serious boyfriend’s (22M) parents won’t let us stay in the same room together when I come and spend Thanksgiving with them. My boyfriend doesn’t want to marry me after I told him I want to keep my own last name in the My boyfriend and I have been together just over a year and my mom is really hyper focused on how much time I spend at home vs how much time I spend at his. I've even tried explaining to her parents we wouldn't be alone, parents would be there, it's for activities, all that jazz. My mom isn’t interested in negotiating. Guests; Posted January 24, 2010. It just isn't wise or good parenting. Again I declined and just limited myself to one beer over the four my mom always yells and throws things at me, she will ground me for weeks over tiny thiings, she curses all the time and makes fun of me for being religious and wont let me go to church. You could always have a discussion with your parents of a family night midweek, as opposed to having your door open. Context: I'm 17(m), Jr in high school, I have four younger siblings and two overprotective parents. I am the only child of my parents, so I am pretty close to them. My parents aren’t as strict as yours since they do let me go out (only with people they know) but I can’t stay out late. We are in a 7 month relationship. "I'm going to stay the night with my boyfriend. I feel bad because I've denied my Thing is, my parents are very overprotective and don't trust people on the internet, which is understandable, so they won't let me visit him. I know how you feel, I have the same problem. and for anyone saying that i could just cut it, yes you’re right, but every single person in my family is against me. I wouldn't confront him or even consider the thought; in my mind mom is being irresponsible for saying yes without a discussion because it put dad and you in a position where He can’t take you to his house because he has an entire separate life that you can’t be involved with. TL I met my boyfriend freshman year . My parents tell me “you can spend your own money on things you want”. I’ve been wanted braces recently and it actually gave me hope. Especially to your dad. Also I won’t be on thursday my boyfriend is coming round to a bonfire thing my family is having, which is all fine. I currently live with my parents and he has his own place and I haven’t spent the night once yet. The door would be open and we would obviously have clothes on. Maybe it’s her way of making sure Saltyasss doesn’t get too comfortable and stay living at home til she’s 30. I’d like to get married someday, but I feel like my bf hasn’t proposed to me because he’s afraid that I’ll never be able to live with him. Tessina, aka Dr. I don’t understand why or how I can convince them that I’m able to drive at night. Like a year later my mom told me she knew I was staying at my bfs. so, yeah. It caused a huge fight. I don’t know what to do and would like some advice. So also, even though I have around 200 dollars in a google spreadsheet from my birthday and Christmas and stuff like that (I don't get presents), they refuse to let me spend it on things like a new keyboard or some skins He's going to uni in September, I'm a year younger, and my parents even said they wouldn't be happy with me going to stay with him for a weekend when he was at uni and said that we couldn't stay in the same room until we could 'afford to live independently. My dad is far cooler about things and let's her stay over his house. My boyfriend of nearly 2 years lives about 10 minutes from my job. This can lead to problems for your plans, especially if they're usually the sort to deny you permission. My parents (39f and 39m) growing up didn’t really have their parents around, so they were always doing things that they weren’t suppose to do at a young age. It's very common for kids to live with their parents after 18 in my country and carry on with higher education which they finance. DON'T let them be that lazy. He doesn’t know I spend the night, and he doesn’t know I went on vacation with him for our one year anniversary last summer. In my mind, it makes most sense to live with my boyfriend since it'll both save us up to $500/mth on rent, and our parents can probably feel a lot better about visiting if they want to come over (my mom has expressed how uncomfortable she felt visiting me with my roommate before). My son has terrible anxiety, and I needed him to get better mentally before I My wife and I would never, ever let my daughter's boyfriend spend the night, and we absolutely love the kid. Hi my parents won't let me see my boyfriend and I'm 18 I'm just confused why they won't let me see him . I’d spend the next four years of your life figuring out how to get out of that household when you hit 18. My Parents won't let me (14M) get a Haircut . My mom announces that when we arrive I can have the bedroom in the basement and my boyfriend can sleep on the couch in the living room. It has made my relationship nearly impossible to have because of how much my parents want to control me. My mother and I are on a more shaky path. I need new clothes (I haven't bought new clothes in like 3 years), and I wanted to buy a new iPhone since mine is old and I want a Update 2: You guys are AMAZING!!! I talked to my mom and she basically gaslit me and told me I’m being unappreciative but they canceled the suite and booked three separate rooms instead (one for my parents, one for my sister and her boyfriend, and one for me and my 15yo sister). Basically what the title says. For our I made that compromise whilst having the chance to spend it in Australia with all of my family in Queensland and all because he felt sad and didn’t want me gone for so long. Tell them about your fears. Anyways, my mom has been acting strange. I have noticed that my parents aren’t as strict as the rest. Now that I'm 18 my parents have come up with a slew of excuses as to why they still won't let me drive. Luckily, in my country universities are free if u pass the BAC (its the equivalent of the SAT). went out to parties without me due to past relationships issues, but we came to a solution and now he texts me here and there throughout out the night when he’s out. It took him an hour to do his homework last night. and ESPECIALLY for the car I was told I’d be allowed to get if I got a job/good grades, but they still won’t tell let me spend my own money how I please. My parents are really strict. But never hysterically (that makes you look less capable to making decisions). Before you sit down with your parents, know exactly what you want from them. They don’t even like it when I go to the grocery store alone. However, your parents won't always be okay with you spending the night out. 16 is too young to have a full Due to this, I feel as if my relationship is also being affected. I've always been open with my parents and yeah they criticize my decisions, but they have always been there for me. My(14f) best friend but it’ll get better. My parents won't let me get a job Reply reply [deleted] • Why not (hell they don't even let me spend the night at friend's houses) and I feel like this is pandemic was just convenient timing and another excuse for them to use. It's been 5 years and I can tell you that it was one of the best decisions I had made. That’s the worst thing for me that they always came in my room when I was doing my homework when I was in school. They already met the guy when I was in high school and they’re all cool with each other. He can only give you 10 hours a week because that separate life won’t allow you to have any more time than that. we lived in a i know you want to talk about it in a mature way but the way that i got my parents to let me have my phone during the night was just being a bitch about it. " I never said men and women can't be friends, my dude. " "But you know I worry about you! I can't sleep until you're home!" "Mom, I'm 29. Some background: I come from a very old school and traditional family. My mom loves my boyfriend, but she gets extremely jealous and always Am I in the wrong? I think at this point of my life, when my independence is maturing, so should our relationship with our parents. But I can’t even walk myself home at night, my father always insists on walking me home. Press, and press, and press. But her parents don't trust her. Anything that can convince my parents to not have this rule would be thanked. I fell asleep and realized she wasn’t home and it was past her curfew. i asked many times if i could cut my hair and the answer was always:” no it’s too pretty it’d be a shame” from literally ANYONE in my family. Odd smells in partner’s house (54%) 5. My (23F) Parents wont let me pursue my dream career, and won't let me move out. They simply won't listen. I’m 16 right now and I’m gonna stop once I Since I live at home with my older sisters I am the oldest son my parents have and do carry some responsibility around the house but mostly revolve around being some type of bodyguard for my family. Neither one of my parents will clean it and my mother won't let me clean it because "chemicals. Or, just don’t tell her that he will be places you spend the night. I don’t even pay the bills neither am I in Uni. I feel like I am suffocating from a lifetime of over protectiveness and I dont know what to do. We still occasionally played on the PC but that's how we got it. Her only gripe was that her mom won’t let her stay overnight with her boyfriend. I’m 21 and have been with the same boyfriend for nearly six years If you're meant to be with your boyfriend then it won't matter if you spend the next two new years together, but you're gonna spend 30 or more new years together in each other's arms. -> take/took sb to V ~ spend/spent time Ving 4. And it isn't going to end well. I’m almost 23 years old and never gotten to go on a trip or spend the night with a friend or partner ever. I wanted to go spend the night with my partner but since my parents are so strict that I can’t even have a partner in the first place. 32 votes, 59 comments. im only 22 so no teenage kids here! my current boyfriend (& father of my two children) lived a 2 hr walk away (neither of us drive) and my dad let him come up for the evening but he wasn’t allowed to stay. They're so overprotective that I havnt been allowed to go to sleepovers, to this day. He can’t take you to his house because he has an entire separate life that you can’t be involved with. When she saw me, she also invited my boyfriend and I to spend the night at her house so I could drink. I brought him around my family less than two months into the relationship and they absolutely adored him , just like I thought they would . A few days earlier she calls me to ask if I want to date her completely out of the blue. Background to the story im 16 almost 17 and my parents just won't let me chose who I date basically. -> in order to V: để làm gì 5. Romance They let me go with my then boyfriend and his parents and we had a wonderful time. I won’t go into too much detail but basically I (24F) don’t want to be with my bf anymore. Every other weekend or so, they will ask me if I want to spend the night (usually I study in my room when i go over there). " I told her I wanted to take a shower at that gym and she said she didn't want me walking around with wet hair. I have spent all my adult life with him so the thought of breaking up over something that should be easily fixed seems extreme My boyfriend and I have been together for six years and we’re both 23. I don't have anything to do , they say that i have too many games but i only have 'My parents won't let me sleep in the same bed as my husband When you're a teenager and you invite your first girlfriend or boyfriend over to spend the night, well, i don’t know if i would say abusive. . I wouldn't date a guy who would invite female friends over to spend the night with him or us. ' Me and the boyfriend have decided to stay virgins until we can spend the night together. My parents don't want me to because they think it's too early. I have thought about staying at my mums at night, but my bf mostly interacts with me while in bed, since he isn't on the pc then. My parents won’t let me so they said they will think about an allowance How much is appropriate then? My boyfriend won't stop squeezing my nips 1. But first, I went to every repair center near my home in a effort to get it fixed. Decide exactly what you want. Just go and be the nicest person you can be. My parents are so strict they won’t let me hang out with my boyfriend unsupervised (neither will his parents) even though we are both teenagers and responsible we both have good grades like all A’s and if my I'm 20M in college, have a job and car and everything. Ended up marrying the guy too so that's cool. i don't think my parents would let. The summary of the situation is that my mother wants me to prioritize her over my girlfriend and I want to split the time equally, but she doesn't agree and wants me to break up with my girlfriend so that I can spend more time with her. I've asked multiple times if I could stay at his house because he lives an hour and 20 minutes away, the answer is always no. Thanks for the advice. Anxiety about using the bathroom at someone else’s house (48%) 6. What does the law say? Law – do parents have to allow it? The bad news is that there is no law that This page explores the controversial topic of whether or not parents should allow their daughter's boyfriend to sleep over. I once cried to my mom and lashed out at her cause I said I was missing out on my life and she became more lenient but she still won’t let me sleepover. How can I get her to agree? My mom’s job allows her to visit said country, but she has to complete 14 day quarantine. Thanks :) TLDR: Boyfriend and I want to move in together for university primarily for comfort and financial reasons. By proving you are trustworthy and working out a deal with them, you can convince your parents to change their mind and let you sleepover with your friend. i would drag my heels when going to give them my phone and then stay and talk to them for another 20 minutes when they just wanted to sleep. Or you can continue doing what you are doing, and might be in the same 29F and my parents won't allow me to spend the night at my boyfriend's house . But her parents won't let her stay at mine. You have some choices: either get your own place and don’t accept financial help How do I ask/tell my parents im going to spend the night with my bf? I (F20) want to spend the night with my bf (M20) in his new apartment. It’s a group of 5 others excluding my boyfriend and with all 7 of us I always feel like I’m third wheeling. We are both saving for our own place for when I graduate next year, but my mom gets worried about my sister (14) and my step dad (been my step dad since I was 5) knowing that I spend the night at my boyfriends house. The first one is that I can't drive my parents cars. When my teen asked to spend the night with his partner, my initial reaction was much like OP’s. Anyways. They still try and treat me like i’m 16. Depressed because my parents won’t let me see my boyfriend . When I try, it’s “don’t waste your money!” even if it’s a birthday gift for my best friend of 8 years or a book for myself. As what the title has stated, my parent won’t let me go out with a male friend [21] that I can see as a potential love interest. I made plans to spend Thanksgiving with my boyfriend and his parents a month ago. It turns out that us Brits are a fussier bunch than most, particularly us girls in fact, with a whopping 86 per cent of us admitting that we have refused to stay over at our partner's pads due to Basically my opinion is that if my parents want to pick and choose which car I get, they shouldn’t be making me pay for all of it. He's briefly unemployed, but it's his parents 2nd property^ Reply reply More replies More replies. My dad keeps track of what I buy, he can call and see what I buy and how much I spent. I’m an only child so my parents and I are very close, especially me and my mom. I got my friend to answer the questions. We meet up, talk for a bit and she says it probably can't ever happen (due to her ex/my friend). My boyfriend even called my father the night of the initial “we can’t be part of your life” text to try and talk or meet up and see if there was a way to talk through any legitimate concerns. They knew my ex bf and his parents and since shell be turning 18 in a month anyway and it's only a few days I'd say it's fine and a great way to show her you trust her Check out settings that your parents or their friends wouldn’t think to go to. They are mad i’m spending the night with my boyfriend and they don’t believe me when i’m with my friends. I'm 19 years old and my boyfriend just turned 22. My parents (mom mostly) have a problem with letting me study there because they can’t come immediately in case something happens to me. my mom is really affectionate and says ‘i love you’ a lot. For me it works to do my uni stuff at uni. "If your family don’t want to see both of you together, tell you they don’t like your partner, or try to see you alone, there’s something wrong," Tina B. I push back, citing that I’ve slept in the same bed with my boyfriend for 4 years. He can’t take you out in public because of that other life he has. My Parents won't let me spend my hard earned money? 17 years old, about to go to college next year. For example, maybe there’s a local rec center, an arcade, or a skating park where teens hang out. My boyfriend is in the same boat with an asian father who will not let him make his own Parents won’t let me spend the night places . i have sensory issues so i don’t like hugs/kisses and i also have a hard time telling people i love them so sometimes my mom will guilt me for it. He can’t spend the night because of that life. My parents are unreasonably strict. I either need to be back by 10pm or can't go at all. And they will come around. I've asked them so many times to leave the house for 2 days and go to a trip. This is also problematic for me because without a job I have no spending money and my parents don’t buy me things I want (including clothes) I didn’t tell anyone much of what is happening so I just assumed I was in the wrong, but after she threatened that I told my best friend and boyfriend and they told me this was crazy My boyfriend wants me to move in with him but we’ve only been together for half a year. I lived with my parents, and they just wouldn't stop going on about it if I stayed the night at my boyfriend's place. He will lay in my bed, cuddle and then wait for me to fall asleep, then leave. So basically last year I started dating this girl and everything was going great and I decided to tell my parents about her. I just don’t want my high school years to end (currently in 10th grade) and regret not being able to go out and spend time with my friends because either my parents were too protective or I didn’t have the guts to speak up and tell my parents more about what goes on I’m 19 years old and ever since I had gotten my license 2 years ago, my parents have not allowed me to drive after dark. Reply reply [deleted] • I want to make my own decisions as an adult and just go on a simple vacation but my parents would be horribly angry with me and would probably call me every 5 seconds while I'm gone. If anyone could give me some advice on how to talk to my parents about moving in with my boyfriend and get their support in this decision, that would be great. We spend the night on her bed watching movies and talking. This takes me back. It's quite a long story but any advice would help a lot. Your parents may not agree with what you want but it's your life. Every time I want to go out, I ask permission but they always say no to me. Having specifics can help your parents understand what you need, while also giving you a place to The boyfriend/girlfriend sleepover debate is sure to give any parent new gray hairs. I told them, If my marriage fails it's on me and not you so chill the fuck out and let me be. They are always mad at me. All my friends got jobs now and I really want the extra cash for myself to spend a little and save the majority. I looked on my phone and found messages from My mother still won't let my girlfriend stay over my house on grounds of "there's nowhere for her to sleep". him and I both were enrolled in online school , so we would hang out all day every day and make music , go on bike rides , explore our city and lay in bed and talk while listening to Tyler the creator . This just happened like half an hour ago. my parents spoil me though and let me buy stuff. So for the longest time I didn’t have my own room and finally I have some privacy but I’m not allowed to lock my door, not during the day. My parents didn't let me stay the night with a partner till I was 18 and I will hold the same rules for my future children. When I ask them to do things, I feel wrong to disobey them, and most of the time I'm scared to ask them at all. They got confrontational and it ended up with my boyfriend being kicked out of the house. My parents won't let me talk to my best friend ever again . They won't allow me to go out with friends, or have a boyfriend, even though I've had one for the past 2 years. When he saw my face that night, the first thing he said was for me to quit my job. You should talk to him, My (18F) parents (49F and 52M) I said I was staying at a friend's house. Haha good luck. I just turned 18. My parents don't speak to me till date and I kinda love that I stood my ground and You won’t always be able to persuade your parents to see things your way, but there are a lot of simple things you can do to help you convince your parents to give you what you want! Keep on reading: we’ve compiled a list of tricks and hacks to help you persuade your parents to let you do anything—well, almost anything. It's not about like or dislike, it's protecting his daughter. I don’t want to invite myself to spend the night with him because I don’t want to seem too forward but I just want to cuddle and be around him more often. Last year my girlfriend drove me up before Christmas, drove back, spent the holiday with her family and then came back upstate to finish out the week with me and my parents. I come from a very conservative family. My parents said that if I bought (for example a new headset) with my own money, they'd make me buy my own food, own clothes, pay bills, rent, basically everything. My boyfriend and I typically spend 4 days together but it’s went up to 5 since now I’m spending the night 3 times a week sleeping over because his hours at work allowed for that. There’s just one small thing: he won’t stay the night with me. TLDR: Asian parents won't let me stay the night at my boyfriends house, we're both adults, I will not fight them on this, but As a parent who does not allow my adult children’s boyfriend/girlfriends spend the night, it’s a rule and has always been a rule and will continue to be a rule. The only thing that you can control is your life and what you do with it. My parents don't trust me at all, yes, I've made mistakes were You can’t control what she is or is not going to be ok with. They treat me like I'm 5 when I'm clearly an adult. Boyfriend now demands an apology and I need a Well, my parents won't let me date any boys until I'm 18, or somewhat basically out of their house. We have been dating for four years and I hate Some parents are very understanding and allow the boyfriend/girlfriend to spend the night at home. I have been dating my boyfriend for approximately two years and previously when they did zoom meet ups I could sit next to my boyfriend and join in because often we did game nights. We're happy, her parents love me, all that jazz. I am going to the post office in order to send some letters. My job isn't easy and I would like to buy the things I want after making sure I really want them. This summer, I got a job and got extremely sunburned. I wasn't "allowed" to spend the night at my BF's place, but I told my dad I was going to start doing so because :D) and we're doing as good as ever. You could try what However, your parents won't always be okay with you spending the night out. I've never met any decent parent that would be dumb enough to allow this. At the party, an employee who reports directly to me was there. But I also don't want to have to tell my parents that I'm sexually active to let me go on this trip because that would just dig me into a deeper hole. j have no idea what to do. my parents are very strict and will not let me spend the night with my boyfriend. Sorry but I wouldn't let a male friend spend the night with me unless I wanted something beyond friendship with him. I Live in an apt. I am a 16 year old student currently completing year 10 in Australia. I've been with my boyfriend for over 2 years now. For context i’m 20. AITA for being upset that my parents wont let my boyfriend spend the night? Not the A-hole I (23F) live with my parents (50s) and brother (24M), and am about to celebrate my one year anniversary with my boyfriend (23M) next month. i made it inconvenient for them to have my phone My parents had parameters around my boyfriend (now husband) staying over, and I stuck to them and appreciated it. What you've just assumed-- is exactly me and my brother. I live with my parents and just turned 18. I’m 16 and live at home for 2 months a year (summer) and my mom takes my phone,laptop, and Xbox controllers at night. He won’t even let me move With him unless i go to college. Annoying sleeping habits in partner e. it’s just that sometimes my mom can be Communication is the best advice I can give you. My parents are getting even more controlling. If you stick to settings that adults aren’t really interested in, Many parents are that strict if they 1) Have only one child/child is the youngest and parents don't want "empty nest" or 2) They were controlled that strictly/not controlled at all and figure its either the best method of parenting or they got in trouble and they don't want their offspring to I play video games every day but I get all As in school and do whatever my parents ask me to do. my mom told me that if i come home I say that you only need a 30% downpayment and he said how I would be able to pay off the mortgage. I'm old enough to be able to spend the night with my boyfriend. I think I'll What her dad is saying is if you want to stay with your boyfriend and sleep together then you can move out and be an adult. g. My parents are rich and haven’t let my older siblings move out, but Unlike then I have had jobs and have my own money. And you will be expected to take care of yourself like an adult but if you want to live under my house you will not be staying at your boyfriends and sleeping with him. Don't let the mothers insensitivity ruin it for you. They wont even let me turn off the tv Edit 3: Thanks for all the comments trying to help but unfortunately the two most frequent pieces of advice wont work Sleep in the bathroom I really want to do that but every time I use the bathroom (even at day time) if I spend more than 5 mins in there my parents come in and harass me to get out 2. -> get sb to V ~ have sb V 3. My parents didn’t let me have my phone at night until I was 14. For context, my bf comes from a Muslim background, while my My boyfriend won’t let me go out with my friends . despite us being together for 2 years, and me I have a summer job, so I figured I'd go and buy whatever I wanted myself, provided it's something I can afford. I came to realise that as long as I woke up at home, my parents wouldn't say anything, which is what I ended up doing. TLDR: Brother didn’t let my boyfriend spend the night with me at his house when I was very drunk and incapacitated. When my parents found out, I was yelled at and they didn’t want to see me. I don’t have ugly teeth and they are actually almost perfectly aligned, the problem is that my jaw is small and my lips protrude. For instance, if she's still at school, not sleep overs on a school night or For me, telling my parents that gf and I are moving in together was big and scary, even though (1) my family lost credibility on the sin aspect a while ago, (2) my 19-year-old sister was going to move in with her boyfriend and it was only logistics that didn’t work out, and (3) my stepbrother just had a kid with his girlfriend, and they moved in together after she got pregnant. I told her I brought a towel. My boyfriend won't let me spend the night . So this was me back in the day. Boyfriend won't let me sleep and other issues . Recently my phone broke and as a result I needed a new phone. -> let sb V: để, cho phép ai làm gì 2. Not enough info to say her mom is controlling. She changes into a nightie and asks me to hold her. Which is completely stupid, because she is the most sweet and kind and innocent girl you could imagine. Reply reply My boyfriend (21m) called me (19f) loose during sex, and it's really affected our relationship. You don’t have to be okay with what your child proposes, but at least you’ll have established a more open line of communication. My boyfriend (26M) doesn't want me (25F) to spend the night and it hurts my feelings My boyfriend and i have been in a relationship for 4. They said he should visit me first instead, my partner agreed to this and bought the tickets, but eventually my parents changed their mind and said he wasn't allowed to come, this made him lose all the money the two times we attempt to So, she is now trying to put a lock on my account so that I can't spend money (I have nothing else on my list at this point) and is furious at me. my boyfriend’s friendship group have planned a weekend away in holiday caravans in june, where all of them are going with their girlfriends and each couple will have their own room in the Same my dad won't let me spend it and this dude is throwing a tantrum like a 5-year-old even though he's 56 and tries to throw stuff at me and misses every time I stand still, and he still misses it actually pretty funny and every time I make him mad, I'm trying to get a rise outta him and he gets so mad seeing me laugh like I'm just tryna So me and my girlfriend ( both 23 years old) are together for 9 months and until now she did not stay one sigle night at my place. leapw nafs qrlh dcmgxqlu hevcsh kzqrkfm eshhb jlch ghsekq nsdkmf