Reddit wife best friend Very quickly, Sarah became very close with Rose. true. Man when the ex goes after the best friend it's a different kind of hurt. Your best friend was never actually your best friend. First one he initiated and said it was because he thought I was emotionally cheating on him, the second which was a few months after this he said someone kissed him outside of a bar but he didn’t do enough to stop it, third was 2 years after both of these he said our friends wife came into him and they were in the car and playing with each others hands and flirting and she was 49 votes, 68 comments. Reply reply Either she is insecure or she has someone in mind she wants to bang. If he was your best friend, he wouldn’t fuck your wife. My (26f) best friend (23f) might be in love with my husband (26m). Originally posted to r/relationship_advice. I'd just keep chatting with people, join groups that involve activities that you enjoy and meet like minded people. My wife woke up the other wife to let her know she was leaving. When she asked my opinion I told her that I really hoped he was different to her in private, because I thought he was lazy, entitled, would never pull his weight of chores and seemed to be very 'my money is my money, your money is rent and bill money' energy. They are best friends and one of my wife’s only friends. Please, HE IS IN LOVE WITH HIS BEST FRIENDS WIFE. My add-in is to think of the big picture. Douche: whew that's a relief Wife: Yeah, that would be some maury shit" Update Post: July 30, 2011. So I don’t, they can do their guy stuff on their own. My Wife: Melissa. Most of you will say i am insecure, but god damn how man stories of best friends, good friends are the AP. Neither of these things are true. He was like my brother. Originally posted to r/Marriage. You were a good husband and a good father, you deserve to find someone who makes you happy, go out with some friends, go to dinner with them, if they are married ask them to introduce you to someone, but just do this if you understand that other people's decisions dictate only about them, your part you did, 26 years of marriage that SHE threw . Agreed to meet alone with his best friends wife because best friend told him to. No matter who my friend dates or marries, she is always disappointed. Originally posted to r/offmychest. I'm a great guy. Not only lesbians, but in every part of life. Ever since we have been amazing friends, hanging out constantly, sharing everything about ourselves, and being very open. Although I love my husband and I enjoy spending time with him, it’s so nice to have friends to talk to and check in on me. She is very beautiful, kind and caring. My friend could not give any less of a fuck that she was fucking a married 50-year-old man. The second Neil was always the one to have her back and a couple times even helped her get away from those dudes. It's not just the fact that the wife is okay her best friend made false rape accusations against her husband, but that her best friend sexually assaulted her husband and she doesn't care. It is a good thing your wife is understanding, and this will lead to a path of recovery. My best friends (at the time but no longer) wife ended up stopping him from being a friend to me and my wife. My best friend had had many issues in his previous relationships with cheating and being cheated on. She has a good time when it happens, it's just not something she thinks about or craves. So every other Friday night seemed like a good time. He has made little to no effort to be friends with me. Update: I can't post a link but I made an update in a new post. Haven’t we seen this before on Reddit, the one half of a couple being too attached to his (usually) friend because of their history and the friends mental health problems. She was smart, funny, and articulate, and we had a lot of fun together. I 29M thinks my wife 26F is pregnant from you friend with benefits (boyfriend). 206K subscribers in the Hotwife2 community. My wife has a best friend who lives in the neighborhood with us and they have been best friends for about 12 years. Reply reply Kind_Tour2671 • Get out man. My wife has been friends with him for more than 15 years now, and I have known her for 6 years, 3 of them married. She got married to you, had a son and she cheats. Do you think best friend might have said something different if he knew his ‘best friend’ falls asleep at night with visions of his wife in his head? Now onto the main part of my post. She and my ex best friend Silas (25M) have been married for 3 and have 1 year old baby. That is your only choice and let your best friend fuck off just like her. I met her at the university when I first arrived. I expect and deserve only the best version of you. My girlfriend has refused to talk to best friends wife and has been upset this entire trip. She didn't know anything. We started dating a few years after we met. We had a friend who was experienced with mfm with his wife and he agreed to be our coach guest. you started flirting, continued to do so, you made plans to meet, you got in your car, you drove to her house, then all of the things that came after that. She had sexual relations with him 12 times. His friend is disrespectful to his wife. My husband 47 had an affair with my best friend. Your 'friend' does not need a shitty friend like you. I always saw him treat her like a sister. Divorce her and be done with her. I met her through mutual friends 6 years who thought that we’d be a good fit. He and his ex wife split a few years before we met, but remain best friends to the point of hanging out multiple days a week (they also share a dog) and having some unresolved financial ties. Hope that helps. They still slept together for months before that. Don't force it I agree with the others that it sounds like your friend Maria is trying to break up your marriage because your husband wasn’t willing to fully cheat on you or wasn’t willing to lose his sense of self-control when they were both drunk. . 5hrs drive). Said it was the best dick she’s ever had (Big urge to get cucked by a bbc). It went spectacular and definitely both of our favorite things. So the timeline: I met my wife through sport We became friends once I started going clubbing We met my mate at club one night I got with my wife that night I Hey there, I had a similar experience with my (ex) best friend. She was my first college friend, after all. My wife cheated on me with my best friend for 2 months this year (March and April). Also, her friend is married too. My wife, Em, met her best friend, Chuck, in high school. Our friend group basically has the same outlook and perspective in life. Is the moral thing to do to try and save them, simple as that, but if they are the monster's kids, OP cared for them for at least 9 years, biology aside, if you see a kid in a dangerous situation, you should try and protect the kids, sometimes all you can do is report, but in this My partner has a good friend who I just don’t enjoy being around at all. Some backstory: my wife and I moved for my new job. This “friend” of hers is gay. It sounds like not only is the friend disrespectful, but is disrespectful to you. Originally posted to r/TrueOffMyChest. On Her best friend starts calling me saying she's worried about my wife. But not anymore, also because she isn’t on best terms with my friends wife. We should be able to just meet like an old group of friends does. It is such a sad notion that I notice many women adopt. That is just fucked up for a wife of 9 years and a best friend that you have had his back for many things and they just been doing the deed behind your back. We've been trying to make her realize for You come to reddit and post a regret post 2 years from now. You can and will have your own things to do, as will I. Some years ago, I made a friend. Her friend thinks that I don’t know, but obviously I do. My wife married me because of my best friend. I'm 20 years old, my wife is 24, and her best friend is 23. Best part was that they hated each other while we were married. She'd have her friends over, they'd drink (a LOT), scream-laugh until the wee-hours, all that shit. I admired how caring she was. We spend some years being friends, then best friends, and after getting enough courage, I confessed my feelings and asked her to date. I've never had so many emotions and feelings in my life, the ones my heart feels for him are great, some other ones I think it’s possible for your wife to be in love with her friend, but it sounds more like your wife just really needed a friend. We met before i met my wife. Don’t have sex with the best friend. A few years ago, we moved to the same city and have been seeing a lot more of his best friend (let’s call him James) and his wife (we’ll call her Anna). I have really bad knees so I cant run but my wife really enjoys running. I don't know how or why but she asked me one day to have a threesome with you best friend for her birthday and insisted it was just sex. We became best friends and formed a little social circle around us. There was a post on here not too long ago about a wife’s best friend who was staying with husband/wife for a little while, and when the wife was asleep the best friend sexually assaulted the husband in the kitchen, then screamed loud enough to wake up the wife and claim the husband sexually assaulted her. Glad you dumped your best friend. About 6 years ago, Damon started dating his now wife, Melanie (25F) She quickly became a solid part of our friend group and and I considered her a sister. As I always give you the best version of me. The three of us hang out, have a very unique bond, and really mean the world to each other. TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of suicide, depression, possible affair. Did an amazing Bachelorette party. Since quarantine started, our gyms all closed so the only way to exercise is basically outside. Don't think about, why, another things. We decided we all go in on a large hotel suite, the kind with multiple rooms and beds. this was I, 19m, and my best friend, 19f, met when I was 16, and she was 17, and she just asked me to hang out one day. I also used to bring my wife to my best friends house occasionally in the past (before our child) and we both drank and slept there. So today We hung out at the house and had dinner together. Most of our girls is good looking, good acting, but they are totally crap. We speak a lot and catch up as much as possible although they are the next state over (1. He has a crush on my wife, but is never creepy 4 days ago my wife told me that she slept with a very close friend of mine - of 17 years. My husband cheated on me with my best friend This is a throwaway account. I read that when guys set boundries we are controlling. Like I said, they have amazing chemistry, whether we’re alone with the other couple or in a larger group, they always end up next to each other making jokes and references that only they seem to get. We do have a big friend group,(husbands,wives &kids), we go camping, trips, hang out rotating each houses. She has been mocking best friends wife’s accent(she’s from Congo) and we talked about it and she finally stopped. She’s also married and together with her husband, the four of us hang out So, I've had feelings for my best friend's wife for a while. Even if the kids aren't his, they are innocent, and are being put at risk by the actions of their mother. My ex-wife cheated on me with my best friend at the time. This isn’t just going to Something similar happened to me in the past. She has never been a true friend to your wife. It’s true - it hits different. Honestly as a women I would be WAY MORE PISSED about that then anything else!! Hi. This came as a shock and she was declining quickly. Wife told me someone else is her soulmate. ) My wife is my best friend, and has been the single largest positive influence in my life. My partner set the pace. I ended up receiving a message from one of my best friends wives. I have "best friends" that are soccer buddies, my wife isn't interested in playing so isn't my best friend in that way. This friend knew my wife a little, It sounds like your wife loves her best friend, but isn't ready to leave you (yet). He has also been married for 4 years and his wife is also a good friend of my wife. This subreddit is for hotwives and their husbands who actively participate in the "hotwife" lifestyle Mike is a grown up, if shes making him happy thats great, we cant get involved in his marriage and we wouldnt really be friends if we told him we hate his wife. Simply they are crap. I am not The OOP, OOP is u/cinnsealach29. 1. Rebuilding a relationship is going to be very hard. 25 years ago, One of my best friends future ex fiancé/wife Tricked me into trying to sleep with her by I’m devastated reddit, and I don’t know what to do. I asked my best friend, a friend I gave 7 years of empathy and compassion to a true brother to me, to check in on her and make sure she was okay while I was gone. I didn't care. In covid, our job was in person vs. Original Post Aug 10, 2023. They literally do everything together and have for as long as I can remember. ") Beth's friend, Mia, was always a wild-card and, in my opinion, not the best influence on her. My husband has divorced me now, after 6 months of separation. They both workout almost every day and they run marathons together. If you took a glance at her best friend in a provocative way, THAT could be a ‘moment of weakness’. My (29M) wife (30F) and my best friend Cyan (25M) do not see eye to eye. We are a married couple we will arrive at events together, we will do things as a couple. My husband is a doctor and she was his nurse at his hospital. You deserve better. I really believed that this was a temporary thing and that you would be able to work things out with him. The best case scenario is that he still holds a guilt for what he did to your Wife and is seeking absolution. She is cool understands my humor and i see her as a close friend, but that is it so this isnt going to be me seeking advice on sleeping with my wifes friend. The inability to conceive, being pulled from her family and friend support structure when we got married, and me leaving left her feeling completely lost. I technically met my best friend in the fall of 2007 but I just knew her in passing. Partner (40s) and I (30s) have been together a year. My friend in 46 years old. And he may have, I guess they danced once at a prom a decade before. That is so weird to me. They also have 2 girls similar ages to ours but slightly younger. Her story, with some collaboration from friends, is: On Friday she didn't drink at all. TRIGGER WARNING: marriage by deception, Emotional manipulation, emoitional affair, mental illness and suicide MOOD SPOILER: Bleak Original Post March 27, 2023. So it was not a surprise when his wife invited my wife to spend some days with them last year, as we were coming out of the first lockdown. I have "best friends" that like to have deep conversations about obscure things, "best friends" who like to go shooting, "best friends" who like to work and talk about cars, etc. Hello from Ukraine. Original Post - November 9, 2023. He was being a deadbeat dad to a family friend son. My parents and Elle’s parents were long time family friends and that didn’t stop after our divorce. I didn't get so much as a text. We all have been friends for years, he supported her after her divorce and put her through nursing school. You will not go run around and pretend like you are fucking single with your friends. Yep. Cyan was the cousin of a hs friend so I was thrilled to know someone. I’m at a point where I flip flop between feeling insane and totally justified. Great relationships require trust, compromise, and respect. Cyan is a very kind person. Immediately, my wife started crying and Jessie started accusing me of having an affair. With her 32G titties small waist and big 40 inch ass. My wife’s reaction to the whole thing really bummed me out. My wife and I are not in the exact same situation, but to all those saying that friends make the best relationships - it’s true. She was getting off on that he was choosing to fuck her instead of his wife. We have been friends for a while and and it's been so fun to get together with our wife's to do double dates etc. From the first time i met her it seemed she was a little to comfortable with me. You know your friend best, just remember to think of their needs vs what you want to do for them. Her best friend and I took great My wife, Em, met her best friend, Chuck, in high school. Help me. "Well I am not gonna stay silent any more. Like you're Yes. You will never be able to trust her again. Her best friend is on the more petite skinny side but she is still a beauty. It wasn’t a ‘moment of weakness’, from what you’ve said it seems like this has been going on for more than a moment. UPDATE (r/relationship_advice) (UPDATE) My (27m) wife (27f) cheated on me with my best friend (26m) First off, I wanted to thank you all for your support and words of advice. It was us, my best friend and his wife Carmen, and my wife’s best friend and her husband. My wife does have a long, known history of anxiety, depression, and self-harm. tried to Wife: Good thing, I got my period. We are each others best friend. Tell your wife, “I want it to be just you and me. I met my wife Melissa in law school, from the moment I saw her I loved her. My ex-wife is a really kind and thoughtful person and the woman I knew would've at least sent a thank you text if her worst enemy sent her a gift. I have known Lolo since elementary school, we became so close that we didn't even want to separate at university and we applied to it. Im 45. I am NOT OOP, OOP is u/throwRA_bestienhubby. Your friend Britany is right. Sometimes, some the ladies would stay over if they had too much to drink. Original Post July 10, 2023. She approached OP naked and groped him between the legs, that sexual assault, and the wife doesn't care. I am the breadwinner and she manages the finances and the home. We had been married ten years. I married my boyfriend, and 20 years later, my best friend admitted to my husband what we did. Took me about 5 years from the last serious relationship to find someone I'm deeply in love with. So that’s not a best friend. Your wife's friend has no respect for your wife or she would not have tried to break you and your wife's marriage. She has medium-length brown hair, 34DD breasts and a larger than average butt (her friends jokingly call her a "PAWG. This isn't one of those situations where it's a choose your friend or SO for no reason situation due to an insecure SO. He changed and we started to hang out more. Ok so my wife and i have been together for almost ten years and ive known her friend for a few less. I 34f just found out that my 36m husband has been having an affair with my best friend 35f and she's pregnant, but the thing Her best friend seems to want a closeness with your wife that makes them sister wives — living together, raising children by the same man, being a family unit together. You'll find friends and then perhaps one of them will become a best friend. Then my ex decided she wanted to cheat and they all went in double dates while I stayed home with our 6 month old baby. Thankfully no kids together, and she just had a child with her boyfriend. When I posted the original story, I expected a handful of I am a happily married guy of over 15 years. It went perfect. She is someone really special to me, and the moment i befriend her, I had a crush on her. She snapchats him constantly, FaceTimes him 3-5 times per week, goes out to coffee/lunch with him. My (M41) best friend Jack (m41) since kindergarten cheated on his wife Ana (f39) with a girl half his age Max (f25). 222 votes, 100 comments. Defending or ignoring that behavior isn't acceptable. A year or so later Chuck came out to his parents. And Saturday and Sunday is pure family time for me. Then I I'm a guy, my best friend and his girlfriend "helped" my wife cheat, I knew them before I met my wife (now ex-wife) introduced them and we all went in dates together and were good friends. Chuck's boyfriend broke up with him and he moved in with us. Leave and never look back. Men who have best friends of women are just waiting their turn. Which in the moment and how i felt at the time. TRIGGER WARNING: Infidelity. She would never do that to me if we were together. I was scrolling through Reddit and saw a post here yesterday about a husband who had sex with his wife's best friend. There are a lot of good ideas, in here. We really wanted to splurge. Em was supportive. I've been together with my wife for 3 years and married for a few months. Have her join tinder or something - if your wife is so invested in helping, go on a double date with another dude and be wingmen. So, that’s my personal experience. I convince her to see a doctor. And, Lea suggesting you could be her best friends honestly sounds a bit manipulative. My wife has made a close opposite sex friend at work. By contrast he may be desperate to find any sort of legacy and hopes that his former love still holds a torch for him (another incredible burden to put on someone and borne of I came to Reddit for an honest opinion on if I’m the asshole. Being a good friend means holding your friends accountable for their actions. You and your wife have a basic incompatibility, and in order to fulfil that part of herself she has lied and deceived you. The last pair of people we had been waiting for arrived super late last night. And although my wife may have. After talking to my friend, she thinks a man, sex, and attention will bring her happiness. Her best friend would come by everyday to see her without fail. They became close friends and Chuck came out to Em as gay. This friend knew my wife a little, he'd met her in passing but it wasn't like we all hung out together or anything like that for me to even worry about them. Our close friends are friends of the “marriage”, the rest are just acquaintances,coworkers and cordial friends. Best friend: Lolo. We lived together for years starting in college, and for a while it was OK. I mean go on you for being respectful and not cheating, but it makes me wonder why you let this woman stick around. My wife and her friend are MILFs. My wife also got around, but she also never really was that into sex. You all made this time in my life somewhat bearable. I’m married and have had a major crush on my wife’s best friend for 6 years, ever since I met her for the first time. Ana is one of the best human beings I’ve ever met. Ever. He was a great friend, but he always had a bit of an ulterior motive. She considers the girl who hated me in high school to be her best friend now. Where do I go from here? Trigger Warnings: infidelity, emotional abuse and manipulation, accusations of child endangerment, mentions of mental health issues, financial abuse, possible homelessness I talked to her best friend about it. Neil is a Your best friend, now more like your best enemy, knows what your wife's pussy feels like from multiple occasions and ruined your marriage. We worked together so there was some times my wife would bring him up multiple times while we were talking about work, she would bring me coffee to work and also one for him. My best friend married a train wreck. Never. We quickly became best friends, closer than brothers. Your wife should do all the heavy lifting in repairing the marriage, you do minimal. Even though we broke up I didn't think she hated me. you have known for years that your wife's BEST FRIEND wanted to fuck HER HUSBAND. I am absolutely shattered. Eventually they started becoming touchy (holding hands, doing occasional sleepover when TLDR; My wife cheated on me with my best friend and I don't know what to do. My partner of 22 years, my childhood sweetheart, the only person I have ever slept with, my wife of 11 years, has been cheating on me with one of my best friends for basically 2 years. I have been married with my wife for seven years and we meet eight years ago in a church meeting and we became friends. The other couple ended up staying the night in our guest room. 33 votes, 100 comments. My husbands best friend (31 M) and his wife (30 F) are id say close to our best friends. I will say my wife is a fucking knockout. I've just Original Post - November 9, 2023. I was maid of honor. I care for my wife and she honestly has a couple of pretty good friends who have been with her since she was like 6. My wife is a quiet, kind and beautiful woman, any man's dream therefore it was obvious that I fell for her instantly although she always behaved with what I thought was shyness, not wanting to cuddle with me or only Introducing r/stories, a cutting-edge subreddit for the reddit nation to seamlessly post, share, and connect through compelling narratives. They became close friends and Chuck came out to Em I live him so much, I hope he's not playing me, and my heart isn't lying to me, if it is, I will have to deal with it somehow, it won't be good, but God I wishing and praying that his heart and mine are in the same placeI trust him and believe in him whole heatedly. He’s a bit self absorbed and won’t go an inch out of his way to preserve the friendship. The first time was several months ago. She absolutely insists to me to not say a word to her friend. I knew he slept with other guys wifes and I warned him if he ever tried with my wife i would bury him. She’s a woman of charm, grace, beauty and accomplishment. You should first take care of your self by eating healthy, hang out with good friends, go to the gym, etc. They are mid 40s Latinas. You know your wife best. My (M32) wife (F27) has been acting awkward and avoiding certain people during our gatherings for the holidays. After the first 5 months of her diagnosis, she was already bed bound. I was devastated. I already said in previous reply how lucky you My wife and I have a good friend. She told me that I must hate my wife because she has PPD and am not attracted to her because she gained weight from the pregnancy. My wife's(f) and my(m) mutual best friend(f) just got out of a toxic relationship. Her husband and myself get along fine. So my wife, my best friend and his wife are super close. My wife (F 32) and I (M 32) have been married a little over 3 years and dated for nearly 4 years before that, but we have been friends since we were 9 years old. Plus you helped your best friend. She is good with my friend though. Here are the facts: My[33m] wife Sara[32f], is the love of my life. I came home and caught them in bed, having sex. In hopes she would know something so I could get the proof that I wanted. Probably get a bunch of down votes here, but this is one more story about platonic friendship of the opposite sex. You need to discuss that with your husband. I found it hard to believe and all of Like I said in the comments, I do not want to be friends with cheaters. I'm trying my best to help my wife through her PPD while supporting our family. my wife’s WFH. She didn’t come clean. I’m a new-ish mother; I have 2 kids under 3. We do everything together and when we’re apart, I feel wrong. I (32M) have been divorced from my ex wife Elle (32F) for 4 years. The guest lightly influenced the direction. It was not a nice thing. RECAP. not with my husband/boyfriends friend/best friend-but a general friend of my group of friends and it was when I was in high school and we were at a party and every drank and one guy got completely drunk and when we all passed out to sleep, he moved over by me and kept trying to remove my clothes and pulled his junk out etc. Give your wife some consequences. As the title suggests my wife and my best mate had sex before we got together, it bothers me a bit. If it is truly both of your jam, you will find it Regardless of how ridiculous something sounds you have to question yourself (or reddit) eventually. It's really nice but I've always lived by the adage in order to have a best friend you have to be a best friend. So my wife has admitted she’s “1%” gay for this person, but I never took it too seriously as I (Jokingly and stupidly) say I’m gay for Chris Hemsworth, until today. And my partner has only met a few of my friends over the last years as we all share a hobby that my partner isn’t involved in at all. Do your 'friend', his WIFE, and your godchild a favor and tell her that this will not happen again and break all contact, preferablly with all of them. So a little back story on my ex bf. I hope you're for him now; but also in 6 months. Posted by u/ellie-1234567 - 9,289 votes and 879 comments TLDR Best friend and I cheated on our boyfriends 20 years ago. So I asked her to be open with me and tell (we have honesty policy). Whether firends or family. She's not being a friend or a wife. Mine tried to date my ex-best friend and she turned him down for another guy. A few years ago my wife and I became good friends with some neighbors (Rose and Peter) who went to church with us. So i'm not pregnant. They disowned him and kicked him out, and Chuck ended up living with Em and her parents for the rest of high school. There's no good ending for you in this story. Your wife is a sociopath that took advantage of you. She apologized to him for ending their affair in June before even telling me about it. From my own similar personal experience I would definitely say leave her. We have been out together numerous times and vacationed together, etc. I don't know, are your wife from post Ussr, or maybe an another region, but i want to give you an advise. I have a friend currently blowing up her marriage and family to flirt with random men online. But proceeded to tell me. She didn’t tell me until 3 weeks ago. And after my wife said something about our divorce, said friend let her have it. That's fucked up! His wife and Amy deserve each other. My best friend’s mistress doesn’t know that he is actually broke. In fact, his wife was dating another friend of ours when she cheated with him. She and her best friend already knew each other for years since Throwaway because I have friends on my account, also sorry for my English. It’s a terrible idea and will guaranteed get weird. Turns out she thought he had a crush on my wife. But, she had an affair last year and even though we’re reconciling and have a kid on the way, I will miss the innocence of trusting her We kept a very small but tight social circle, mainly my best friend since birth and his wife who I had know since childhood and had become best friends with my wife. The thing is, she couldnt, that day she revealed me she is lesbian. My wife was my best friend, still is in most respects. So I offered to pay for her and her 2 best friends (20F and 22F, let's call them Gwen and Here's the deal- Back in the day, when I was married, my wife would have these ladies-night things. She told me she stopped with him because she felt guilty. Made me feel good. Quickly, before I get down to the details of what happened Friday, I absolutely must thank all of you helpful redditors out there. I wouldn’t fuck my best bros wives. Last weekend my wife(50) went out for drinks and dinner with her best friend. 8K votes, 547 comments. I have been friends with her through one boyfriend, about a year long, maybe 5 months after we met. Stop applauding him for how maturely he is handling this. I knew that nothing could ever come Two days ago, my spouse of 5 years (together for 10) admitted to two occasions where she cheated with my best friend of 15 years. I did not hesitate to divorce and it was the best decision of my life. Asked my gf while she was sucking my cock once if she’s ever had sex with a bbc. Best Friends Wife My wife and I went on a weekend vacation with some friends. Apparently my wife and her friend had a brief conversation about this after the incident but since then they have been normal. Mostly just a pretty big crush, but it grew into full blown, whole hearted love a few months ago. (My wife always sees lonely people and tries to cheer them up everywhere she goes. But after 5 years of countless experiences and a few short lasting relationships I found someone who is even more perfect than the last. My (22F) best friend Damon (22M) and I have been friends since we were babies, as our dads are as well. My best Recap: My wife, Em, has a gay best friend, Chuck. I felt high amounts of stress in our relationship. The wife believed the friend. You are quite literally the opposite of a friend, and she is a shitty wife. Or she is the best wife AND best best friend a person can have! Reply reply [deleted] • Ok I did the same. I had a sinking feeling because I have seen the way my best friend has looked at my husband for years. My wife, her best friend and husband, and myself. In January of 08, we were at the gamers club and she was really upset so I dragged her into the hallway around the corner and up some stairs to get privacy and made her tell me what My wife has been best friends with this particular person since high school, or about 15 years. So I put him in his place. The first anniversary of her death, in several years when the kids are getting older and he is struggling. So, so springs this new relationship on you, and even moving in. On the other hand, Beth is 5'10'', has an athletic build, yet is naturally curvy. I am writing this at 3:00 AM (on a throwaway account because all my friends know my reddit account) My wife, my best friend, the love of my life since 10th grade, cheated on me with my best friend. I saw him like a brother over my own brother. By the way, I hope you stop calling that poor guy your 'friend'. Hes a really good guy, loves her, we also dont have a heart to tell him we dont wanna hang out with his wife. I set the mood and provided some coordination. Look at all the pain that this has caused, the friend needs to go. This was planned dinner and not out of the Dude. My wife is a quiet, kind and beautiful woman, any man's dream therefore it was obvious that I fell for her instantly although she always behaved with what I thought was shyness, not wanting to cuddle with me or only kissing me on I've wanted to tell my best friend about all of it for years but I've been afraid to destroy our friendship, I had put it out of my mind for a long time but recently his wife has started accusing him of cheating, I know this is bs because the instances she's using he was with me, on two occasions we were hunting in North Georgia with no cell reception, one occasion we were playing pool at I don’t really know where to begin. I don't know why, but its true. My wife married me because of my best friend Immediately, my wife started crying and Jessie started accusing me of having an affair. They had met in college and had become BFFs ever Well so my wife's best friend came over. She said that she is attracted to my best friend and think he’s handsome and reminds her of old hollywood stars.